The LHC, solar flares and 2012, this is how they are linked and why!
Topic started on 29-9-2010 @ 10:49 PM by theAymen
translation by Autumnson Blog
Here I will show how the LHC has connections with the solar flares and 2012. And also show you the relationship between Ancient prophecy and modern science. In particular the concept in the existence of Dimensions (& gods), and is there an ability to contact/travel to other dimensions.
To do this Firstly we need to quickly look at the make-up of this dimension and the link to particular i want to look at electromagnetics & space-time, and their connection. How can you link them..well the sun is how.
要做到這一點首先我們需要快快看看這維度的構成和其它的聯繫...特別是我想看看電磁學和太空時間,以及它們的關係。你怎能聯繫他們 ..嗯太陽就是如何了。
The sun controls the fabric of time & space in this dimension, it is also a gateway/link to other dimensions, mainly though its core. Changes in the sun can result in changes in energy, forces, spacetime and matter. Plus more.
太陽控制在這維度的時空的組織,它亦是一入口處 /鏈接到其它維度,主要透過它的核心。太陽的變化可以導致能源、力量、時空和物質的改變,加上更多。
Now..... Its not the polarity shift of the earth we need to be focusing on, but the polarity shift of the SUN!!!
現在 .....它不是地球的極性轉移我們需要聚焦,但卻是太陽的極性轉變!
For this you need to grasp that the sun has poles(+-), and has major electromagnetic implications on matter and spacetime in our solar system as we know it.
為這您需要掌握,太陽有兩極( +- )和有重大的電磁物質影響我們的太陽系的物質和時空上,正如為我們所知道它。
Nasa- polarity flip of sun
NASA - polarity shift of sun relevance to earth
flares - Earths polar reversal and 2012

To change the space-time continuum in our dimension.... the sun is more than capable.
NASA state that the sun currently is in a solar maximum (sun is like a heartbeat slowly getting bigger and smaller over its breathing) expecting the solar flares in 2012 to be the biggest ever recorded.
If the sun is “changing” You ask how or, would this affect us here on earth.
Changes in timespace and matter is being recorded and slowly leaked to the press in a bid to desensitize us to the shock. ie .probes change, solar flare images, technology blink in 2012 from e&m.
The suns current activity is effecting our solar system as a whole in many weird and wonderful ways – Jupiter losing a major stripe AND its iconic redeye/storm, half/life decay rates change of isotopes, magnetic field on earth and solar flares.
Who knows what else... how about a time/dimensional effect???
Now.....a time/dimension flux, on earth, CAN be one way the sun.....through the magnetic field of a solar flare.
This very essence is the tool we need for a dimensional/time portal. Its known as a Flux Transfer Event (FTE). Though the ones expected are truly massive.

To capitalise on this “once in an era” phenomenon we need a device...a device to capitalise on the gateway being provided by our star.....the LHC.
Now...the LHC can open wormholes.(watch video below).
To open the L. Hadron Collider`s generated doorway during the major solar flares of 2012 has MANY implications. Ie A time jump...into a different time or space maybe both!
The ancient Egyptians built a wormhole to contact the gods...though the hadron collider is more elaborate....i think this is more than simple contact..are they trying to transport matter through this portal???
LHC STARGATE??? Dimensional wormhole like that of a star???

SETI1 19th dynasty pharaoh and his cult of priests went about building a stargate to contact the gods, in the temple of Abydos “the osirian” opening gateways using electromagnetic fields in water. Ie. ancient Egyptians knew how to extract electricity from water using electrolysis.
SETI1 第19王朝法老和他的邪教祭司著手做一度星門去聯繫眾神,在阿比多斯“司陰府之神”的寺廟使用水中的電磁場打開通道。 即是,古埃及人知道如何從水中使用電解提取電力。
Though the stargates have been made dysfunctional....i want to add
雖然星門已被使失效 ....我想補充
Ancient Egyptian .... polar shift from “ V = -“ to “^ = +”(thatsmeant to be an upside down v)
We are in the time when the sun is in V switching to ^, the time of Osiris.
古埃及人....極移從“V = - ”到“^ = +”(那意味是一個倒置五)
Osiris they think needs a doorway to return to this dimension ...they think he needs a stargate. Well he does...but the sun is that stargate, the magnetic field of a particular flare is his doorway, he will return to possess a vessel, via the flare.
奧西里斯他們認為需要一度門口返回此空間 ...他們認為他需要一度星門。嗯,他確需要 ...但太陽是那星門,某耀斑的磁場是他的門口,他將通過耀斑返回去擁有一船隻。
Also 2012, could be, according to the following:
The Egyptians believe its the return of Osiris, Mayans think quezicaol, Jews think messiah,Muslim think dijal.....I can go on. are they expecting thee return of something..Though this isn’t the thread for that
埃及人認為它是奧西里斯的返回,瑪雅人認為是 quezicaol,猶太人認為是彌賽亞,穆斯林認為是dijal .....我可以繼續。他們是否在一些東西的回來..雖然這不是為那的帖

The L.H.C is a Stargate
A Cern scientist admits they can make Wormholes / Stargates with the L.H.C.
一位CERN的科學家承認,他們可以用LHC製造蟲洞 /星門

我聽說過這 ...
" what they are doing merging this dimension with another...thats what they are doing"
“他們正在做的是...是合併這空間與另一個 ...那就是他們在做的什麼”
it got me thinking....have you seen Wicked City...its a Manga cartoon. the old skool type...they were special back then.
它令我想到....你有否看過妖獸都市...它是一漫畫動畫片,舊斯庫爾類型 ...它們在那時是特殊的。
It was about the merging of the demon kingdom with our own and a special police force mixed of the two, who looked after the people and the transition of the dimensions ..... deep!