

砰! 俄羅斯總統爆料曾送4億美元往希拉里競選活動!

*中國人智慧: 來說是非者,便是是非人;話人鬼果個就係鬼
砰! 俄羅斯總統爆料曾送4億美元往希拉里競選活動!
BOOM! Russian President Reveals $400 Million sent to Hillary Campaign !
 16 July 2018

UPDATED 3:00 PM EDT (SEE BOTTOM) In an astonishing revelation spoken by Russia President Vladimir Putin during a joint press conference with President Trump, the world now knows that a man named Browder earned over $1.5 BILLION in Russia, and snuck the money out without paying taxes - with $400 MILLION of that money having been sent to the Hillary Clinton Campaign!!!!!!
This information was revealed when a reporter from Reuters asked Putin if Russia would send the 12 men Indicted by Special Counsel Mueller, to the US for trial.
Putin replied that there is a Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Treaty between the US and Russia since 1999, and Russia WILL PERMIT Special Counsel Mueller and his team to travel to Russia to take part in any interrogation of the 12 men.   BUT IN RETURN, Russia wants the same treatment under that Mutual Law Enforcement Treaty with regards to  a man named Mr. Browder.
Putin said:
"Mr. Browder and his associates earned over $1.5 Billion in Russia and evacuated the money without paying any taxes. He paid no taxes in Russia or the United States. They sent a huge contribution, $400 million,  to Hillary Clinton's Campaign.  If the US wants Russia to cooperate on the 12 men, then Russia wants the same cooperation on Mr. Browder."
Folks, this is the single most gigantic revelation to come out of the entire Helsinki Summit between Trump and Putin.
The President of Russia himself has now revealed Hillary Clinton got cash (earned in Russia) far in excess of allowable campaign finance limits.  The ONLY way that cash could find its way into her campaign without raising red flags with the Federal Election Commission, is if was LAUNDERED.
Money Laundering is a FEDERAL FELONY for which Hillary Clinton can be arrested and jailed because the Statute of Limitations has not run out.

