



Vaccine Billionaire Bought “Los Angeles Times”, Yet Another Example of Media Being Run By Big Pharma

July 3, 2018
The latest example of Big Pharma taking over the media is the purchase of the Los Angeles Times and the San Diego Tribune for $500 million by Big Pharma billionaire Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong. Instead of paying for advertisements, pharma billionaires have decided to just buy the publications outright so they can control the entire publication. All the journalists here are now officially bought; these publications should officially be recognized as propaganda rags from now on.
With the LA Times and San Diego Tribune now under the control of Big Pharma’s interests, these publications will more easily pump out propaganda for vaccines and new drugs, while suppressing reports about vaccine damage, links between psychiatric drugs and violence, and other important stories about the dangers of modern medicine. With Pharma’s grip on these publications, there will be no reports on how people cured cancer without chemotherapy. There will be no stories explaining how young girls are dying after being injected with the Gardasil vaccine. There will be no investigative journalism for issues pertaining to medicine. This media takeover is the perfect way to shape public opinion, to ultimately protect pharmaceutical companies from assuming liability when their products damage lives.
