

瘋狂小丑油彩面粧可否遮敝面部識別軟件 #InsaneClownPosse

瘋狂小丑油彩面粧可否遮敝面部識別軟件 #InsaneClownPosse
Does Juggalo Face Paint Mask Facial Recognition Software  #InsaneClownPosse


Insane Clown Privacy: Juggalo makeup is the key to defeating facial recognition software
4 Jul, 2018
Insane Clown Privacy: Juggalo makeup is the key to defeating facial recognition software
Insane Clown Posse rappers 'Shaggy 2 Dope' and 'Violent J' in Juggalo makeup © Aaron Bernstein / Reuters

Facial recognition software is becoming more pervasive, which has some Orwellian implications for privacy. Security and privacy researcher Ian O’Neill has discovered a way to beat the system: get decked out in Juggalo paint.
“Facial recognition generally relies on looking for a few different important facial features - nose, eyes, mouth, eyebrows, and jawline,” O’Neill told RT. O’Neill discovered that Juggalo makeup, worn by fans of ‘the worst band in the world,’ Insane Clown Posse, can defeat most kinds of facial recognition tech.
“This makeup actually replaces the jawline, as well as a few other large features, which makes it very difficult to match it to other regular faces,” O’Neill said. While heavy makeup is often used in other musical subcultures - like the ‘corpse paint’ favored by black metal artists - only Juggalo makeup has the jawline-obscuring, face hiding characteristics needed to reliably fudge facial recognition software.

