


這三家報紙都是中共之前收買過,成為中共喉舌對付美參議員Tom Cotton的,他曾要求中共應該交待病毒來源。


BREAKING: Beijing to oust US journalists from NYT, WashPo, Wall St Journal from China and bar them from work in Hong Kong


China is to strip US journalists from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post of their credentials.

Outlets must submit documents detailing “staff members, financial status, operation status and property they owned in China.” Press cards must then be returned within 10 days. The document is also being requested for Voice of America and TIME Magazine staff.
In an unprecedented move, China’s foreign ministry also said the journalists from the US outlets would not be allowed to work in Hong Kong. It is unclear if the restriction would apply to those with Hong Kong permanent residency.

The action comes after Washington cut by almost half the number of Chinese citizens allowed to work for Beijing’s state-run media in the US following the ousting of three Wall Street Journal reporters from China.

In its statement late on Monday, the ministry said that China was “forced to adopt the above equivalent measures to counter US government’s unreasonable oppression towards Chinese media outlets based in the US. They are a justified and legitimate defence.”

“The US government targeted Chinese media under a Cold-War mentality and ideological bias. It severely undermined the reputation and image of Chinese media, severely impacted their normal operation in the US, severely interrupted China-US cultural exchange, and exposed the hypocrisy of the country’s self-asserted press freedom,” the statement said.
Additional reporting: Rachel Wong.

中國要求紐時、華郵、WSJ 交還記者證 不得在中港澳採訪

中國政府今日宣布,就美方打壓中國媒體採取多項反制措施,要求《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》、《華盛頓郵報》三間美國媒體,年底前記者證到期的美籍記者於 10 天內交還記者證,今後不得在中國從事記者工作,包​​括香港、澳門。
官方新華社今日發稿,斥美國政府對中國媒體駐美機構和人員的正常新聞報導活動無端設限,無理刁難,不斷升級對中國媒體的歧視和政治打壓,特別是 2018 年 12 月要求有關中國媒體駐美機構註冊為「外國代理人」,2020 年 2 月將 5 間中國媒體駐美機構列為「外國使團」。
新華社指,中方宣布自即日起,要求《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》、《華盛頓郵報》年底前記者證到期的美籍記者,從即日起 4 天內向外交部新聞司申報名單,並於 10 天內交還記者證,今後不得在中國,包​​括香港、澳門繼續從事記者工作。

