Why are there so many accounts, including first-hand accounts, of Dog-Headed men living in India and beyond?
狗頭人的三個歷史敘述 // 馬可孛羅、伊本白圖泰和約翰曼德維爾爵士
Three Historical Accounts of the Dog-Headed Men // Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta and Sir John Mandeville
Somewhere in the distant seas past India, these three famous explorers from completely different backgrounds came across a race of men called the Cynocephaly: a remarkable people with the "heads of dogs". Though Sir John Mandeville's account (and very existence) is heavily questioned by historians, quite what brought the otherwise reliable Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta to corroborate the ancient legends of the Dog-Headed Men is less clear...
Do the Dog-Headed Men Have Souls? // Letter from 9th Century Monk // Primary Source
In the 9th century famed Carolingian theologian Ratramnus was written a letter enquiring as to whether the Cynocephaly (the Dog-headed men) had souls. Here we bring you his considered response, taking into account the many different examples of creatures on earth known to him at that time.