Earth Changes? Unexplained Crevice Appears in Michigan
October 7, 2010
by Alex
translation by Autumnson Blog
Editors Note: Is this a freak phenomenon or something much larger? Many have spoken of a coming planet while others have gone as far as to claim a new ice age is upon us. Whatever the case may be, this is extremely strange and should be investigated further.

Upper Michigan Source
by Beth Jones
MENOMINEE TOWNSHIP — It’s a geological phenomenon that has both authorities and Menominee Township residents scratching their heads. A large crevice, stretching almost two football fields, suddenly appeared in the woods near Birch Creek earlier this week.
梅諾米尼鄉 - 它是一種地質現象,當局和梅諾米尼鄉居民雙方都摸不著頭腦。一條大裂縫,綿延近兩個足球場,本星期早些時候突然出現在比爾克克里克附近的樹林。
“I don’t know really. It just looks like a giant crack in the ground,” said young spectator and local resident, Ashley Armbrust. “I don’t know what happened.”
“我真的不知道,它衹看似在地下的一條巨大裂縫,“年輕觀眾和當地居民阿什利阿布魯斯特說, “我不知道發生了什麼事。”
The 150 yard crevice is puzzling local residents. Some areas are up to five feet deep and a few feet across. The ground even rose up several feet in some areas around the crevice, causing trees to lean on both sides. Like the spectators, property owners feel the whole thing is just confusing.
“I told the kids we had an earthquake and they laughed at me, then after they looked at it, they say I don’t know,” said property owner, Eileen Heider.
Unexplained crack in the ground
江蘇丹陽一處稻田突現怪洞 呈漏斗狀深不可測
馬來西亞驚現“天坑” 路面被撕開5米寬裂口
四川地面離奇發熱 中心位置達70℃