


World War IV? Secret German Report Details a Super-EU Able to 'Take Over Economies of Eurozone Countries'
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

The Telegraph reports that Germany's leaders have laid down a secret contingency plan for hostile economic takeovers of sovereign members of the EU.
And what could possibly go wrong with that? Besides, of course, a failed Viennese artist with a tiny mustache, a world war, and tens of millions dead?

[A] leaked memo, written by the German foreign office, discloses radical plans for an intrusive new European body that will be able to take over the economies of beleaguered eurozone countries.
It discloses that the EU’s largest economy is also preparing for other European countries, which are too large to be bailed out, to default on their debts — effectively going bankrupt. It will prompt fears that German plans to deal with the eurozone crisis involve an erosion of national sovereignty that could pave the way for a European “super state” with its own tax and spending plans set in Brussels...
據透露,歐盟的最大經濟體亦準備對其它過大來救助的歐洲國家對它們的債務違約 - 有效地破產。它將會激起擔心,德國計劃處理歐元區危機涉及國家主權的侵蝕,可能開路給一個在布魯塞爾設定的歐洲“超級國家”有自己的稅收和開支計劃....

...The eurozone contagion is threatening to spread to Spain and France... The six-page German foreign ministry paper sets out plans for the creation of a European Monetary Fund with a transfer of sovereignty away from member states.
The fund will have the power to take ailing countries into receivership and run their economies. Even more controversially, the document, entitled The future of the EU: required integration policy improvements for the creation of a Stability Union, declares that the treaty changes are a first stage “in which the EU will develop into a political union”. “The debate on the way towards a political union must begin as soon as the course toward stability union is charted,” it concludes.
該基金將有權力將境況不佳的國家,帶入接管和經營它們的經濟。甚至更有爭議的是,題為歐盟未來的文件:要求政策融合改善為了創造一個穩定聯盟,宣布了條約的改變是在第一階段,”其中歐盟將發展成為一個政治聯盟“。 “朝向一個政治聯盟路上的辯論,必須盡快開始因為走向穩定聯盟的過程被詳細規劃了,”它傯結。
The EU is dead: its leaders just refuse to acknowledge what everyone else in the world knows. It allowed countries to violate their terms of membership, it facilitated outrageous amounts of debt, and it helped promote the contamination of the entire world financial system.
The fuse was lit long ago. The only question is how many weeks (not months) it will all take to implode.



獸印 (世界市場崩潰,迎向獸印時代)

貨幣崩潰:“危機沒有解決辦法 - 來不及救歐元”




Nigel Farage: 逃離歐元區監獄!

在美國的聖羅馬帝國 - "Jim Marrs"

