[]Robbert van den Broeke: "UFO" Photos
USA Crop Circle List
PURPOSE: The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary focus is crop circle research - the discovery, scientific documentation and evaluation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or energy system) responsible for creating them and to determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature and source of these energies. Secondly, our intent is to publish these research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and to disseminate this information to the general public through lectures, mainstream articles and the internet.
PERSONNEL: BLT Inc. is composed of several hundred trained field-sampling personnel in the U.S., Canada and Europe who collect plant and soil samples at crop circle sites for analyses by a number of scientists (see "Professional Consultants") in various disciplines.
Fieldworkers in England with plant and soil samples which now must be hung up and dried before shipping.
The hard work of these field teams and their careful adherence to field-sampling protocols has contributed enormously to the on-going discoveries in the laboratory and the large data-base of factual information which now exists. Nancy Talbott is President of BLT Research Team Inc.
Taking measurements in a Canadian circle prior to plant/soil sampling.
Samples dried, wrapped, labeled and ready for shipping.
FUNDING: BLT Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit, tax-exempt U.S. corporation in 1999. All funding to-date has been from private-sector donations and gifts, which are tax-deductible. Significant advances in the scientific understanding of crop circle formation and related phenomena are heavily dependent upon such contributions -- all major financial gifts can be designated for specific research projects, if desired by the donor. Financial support in any amount is welcome.
LECTURE/SLIDE SHOW: A 2-hour presentation is available which outlines the basic research and results obtained so far, highlighting individual crop circle case studies from a number of countries. Slides of recent crop circles in North America and Europe are included, as well as anecdotal reports of associated strange phenomena encountered by personnel working in the fields each summer. The lecture and slide-show can be shortened or expanded, as desired, and is an inspirational educational tool for use in schools and colleges, demonstrating both the value of the basic scientific method and the excitement of new discoveries -- in the context of an intriguing, and still unexplained, phenomenon. Contact Nancy Talbott to schedule.
Help Support BLT Research with a Tax-Deductible Donation
美國的麥田圈常在私家土地上發生-要得主人準許才可進入Crop Circles in the USA most often occur on PRIVATE PROPERTY
- Permission from the owner or farmer is required to enter -

Wilbur (Lincoln Cty), WASHINGTON - July 23, 2009 (wheat)
First “geometric” crop circle reported in U.S. in 2009, found on farm not far from 2007 Wilbur formation. This one consists of 5 rings (largest approx.120 ft. diam.) & 1 circle in “ripe” wheat. Seattle Times says farmer saw no tracks through wheat or footprints in soil in-between the rows. [Straight path to large ring mowed by farmer.]

Mt. Laurel, NEW JERSEY - July 7, 2009 (lawn grass)
Several approximately 2 ft-wide flattened rings (overall diams. about 12 ft) found in suburban lawn. The 2-3 inch tall grass was flattened radially, laid from the inside edge of the ring out to the perimeter edge. At first we suspected fungal growth, but malfunction of the under-ground sprinkler system was eventually found to be the cause.

Dublin, OHIO - June 21, 2009 (oats)
Large area (”longer than a football field”) of randomly-downed crop in 100-acre field. Plants are all flattened in same direction, but a very fluid, ”undulating,” flow is noted, as well as multiple standing tufts–characteristics often associated with “geometric” crop formations. More info:

Small hayfield w/randomly-downed sections throughout. Plant lay is very fluid, w/elongation of nodes & multiple standing tufts. Ridges have formed where lay intersects (photo). Flattened grasses surround a standing clump of untouched Water Parsnips (see “geometric” case in 2008:

Another large area of randomly-downed crop, with a strange twist. Field is on Rt. #123, directly across road from “two famous spaceships” (upper L corner of photo) built, probably, as a tourist attraction. Landowner reports severe storm the night crop was flattened & local weather guy posits a “downburst” as cause.

Bedford County, VIRGINIA – May 3-4, 2009 (barley?)
In the last few years large areas of crop, flattened in no obvious pattern, are being reported in the U.S. This field in Bedford County was found after a storm in which rain “fell hard” but with no strong winds. The swirling of the plants and their extreme flatness to the ground mimic effects often seen in “geometric” crop circles.

Zavenbergen, The Netherlands - August, 2009 Partially translucent “UFO” photographed by Dutch medium Robbert van den Broeke in field where a crop circle had occurred a few weeks previously. One of multiple “UFOs” photographed by Robbert this summer, this one appeared on Nancy Talbott’s camera. For report & dozens of photos:
詳細及邏輯性分析關於麥田圈的外星人訊息 by Maurice Osborn:
Alien Messages by Maurice Osborn
物理學能否解釋麥田圈? NWO誘餌加來道雄來複製和踢爆