
A 3000 Year Journey...
..through the mysteries of the civilizations which followed one another in Peru from the XV Century B.C. to the well-known Inca people. An emotional exhibition with the typical sounds and music characterising those people. More than 250 finds, a total immersion in the magic still shrouding ancient pre-Columbian civilizations.
..通過在秘魯一個接一個的文明奧秘,從公元前15世紀至著名的印加民族,用特有的聲音和音樂刻畫那民族的一個動情的展覽,超過 250多項發現,完全沉浸在古老的前哥倫比亞文明魅力中。

INCA - 'Origin and Mysteries of the Golden Civilization' is promoted by Brescia Municipality, Artematica, Lombardy Region, Brescia Musei Foundation and it is supported by the Presidency of the Italian Republic, Department for Cultural Activities, Department for Education and Skills and by the Embassy of Peru, the Civiltà Bresciana Foundation and CAB Foundation. The exhibition will present more than 200 art works coming from the most important Peruvian museums like the Peruvian Gold Museum, the Nacional Sicán Museum, the Nacional Museum de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Peru, and many other museums able to go back over the entire golden cultures history. The exhibition is organized with the partnership of the Peruvian Government that has granted a lot of treasures for the first time exhibited outside the national frontiers.
印加- '黃金文明的起源和神秘'是由布雷西亞市Artematica的倫巴第大區布雷西亞Musei基金會推廣,亦由意大利共和國的總統直轄機構和文化活動部、教育與技能部、秘魯大使館、Civiltà Bresciana基金會和CAB基金會所支持。展覽將提供超過來自秘魯最重要的博物館的200件藝術作品,如秘魯的黃金博物館,全國西錢博物館,國立考古學博物館和許多其他博物館有能回到整個黃金文化的歷史。該展覽是組織在與秘魯政府的夥伴關係,它已批准展出很多在國界以外首次展出的珍品。
Mostra Inca a Brescia - Vivi la leggenda! Il trailer
The exhibition is supported by Peruvian Political Institutions on the Italian territory. The project is cured by Paloma Carcedo Muro de Mufarech, a pre-Colombian art researcher in Pontificia Universidad Católica of Peru in Lima, with the assistance of the scientific committee composed by Walter Alva Alva, the manager of Tumbas Reales de Sipán Museum in Lambayeque, Antonio Aimi, lecturer of Hispanic - American Literatures at Milan University, Andrés Alvarez Calderón Larco, the manager of Larco Museum in Lima, Carmen Arellano Hoffmann, the manager of Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia of Peru Museum, Claudio Cavatrunci, archaeologist and responsible of the “America” Museo Nazionale Preistorico ed Etnografico “L.Pigorini” in Rome, Carlos G. Elera Arévalo, director of the Museo Nacional Sicán di Lambayeque, Heidi King, researcher at Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Francesca Morandini, conservation specialist and archaeologist at Civici Musei di Arte e Storia di Brescia, Victoria Mujica Diez-Canseco, director of the Museo Oro del Perú di Lima, Giuseppe Orefici, director of the Centro Studi e Ricerche Archeologiche Precolombiane in Brescia, Fernando Rosas Moscoso, academic at Universidad Ricardo Palma e Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and Carlos Wester La Torre, director of the Museo Arqueológico Nacional Brüning di Lambayeque.
From December 4th, 2009 till June, 27th 2010
Museum Santa Giulia - Via Musei 81/b 25121 - Brescia (BS) ITALY
意大利布雷西亞Santa Giulia博物館