


The Jewish Conspiracy
Christian Zionism

每一件事都按照新世界秩序計劃發生對世人來說都很不幸,但是什麼是新世界秩序的計劃呢?概括地說計劃是這樣的,新世界秩序的秘密策劃者的黑暗議程是,以透過人口和繁殖控制進行無情的人口控制議程,減少世界人口至“可持續”水平而“與自然維持永恆的平衡”。一個大規模選擇人民將透過計劃生育,攙雜有毒的供水和食物,釋放武器化的人造病毒,人為的流行病,大規模疫苗接種運動,並有計劃第三次世界大戰。然後,黑暗議程將於急劇減少的人口中,施行一全球封建法西斯狀態的一個世界政府,世界宗教,世界軍隊,世界中央銀行,世界貨幣和一個植入微型晶片的人口。從簡,要殺死90%的世界人口(譯註:和Codex Alimentarius 片的說法一樣),以及控制人類的各方面條件因而统治每一個人及無個地方由搖籃至墳墓。

"我相信上帝的靈給我特別的透視力,不但使洞悉約翰怎麼形容他所實際經驗的,而且洞悉這整個景象是如何以預言編碼,因此當實現臨近他們能夠全然理解. .. 。我禱求尋找一個我的天啟密碼論的確認"哈爾林賽說--"天啟基督教猶太復國主之父,"天啟密碼(1997)


Unfortunately for the people of the world everything is going according to the New World Order Plan. But what is this New World Order Plan? In a nutshell the Plan is this. The Dark Agenda of the secret planners of the New World Order is to reduce the world's population to a "sustainable" level "in perpetual balance with nature" by a ruthless Population Control Agenda via Population and Reproduction Control. A Mass Culling of the People via Planned Parenthood, toxic adulteration of water and food supplies, release of weaponised man-made viruses, man-made pandemics, mass vaccination campaigns and a planned Third World War. Then, the Dark Agenda will impose upon the drastically reduced world population a global feudal-fascist state with a World Government, World Religion, World Army, World Central Bank, World Currency and a micro-chipped population. In short, to kill 90% of the world's population and to control all aspects of the human condition and thus rule everyone, everywhere from the cradle to the grave.

"We Jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. While the naive Americans wait for Khrushchev to bury them, we have taught them to submit to our every demand ... It is a marvel that the American people do not rise up and drive every Jew out of this country" Harold Wallace Rosenthal, quoted in an interview with Walter White.
"[The area of the Jewish State stretches] from the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates." Theodore Herzl, the supposed founder of Zionism, Complete Diaries, Vol. II. p. 711"The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon." Rabbi Fischmann, member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, testimony before the United Nations Special Committee of Enquiry which was preparing the Partition of Palestine, 9 July 1947.
"I believe that the Spirit of God gave me a special insight, not only into how John described what he actually experienced, but also into how this whole phenomenon encoded the prophecies so that they could be fully understood only when their fulfillment drew near... I prayerfully sought for a confirmation for my apocalypse code theory" Hal Lindsey, "The Father of Apocalyptic Christian Zionism," The Apocalypse Code (1997)

Christian Zionism is usually understood to mean "Christian support for the Zionist and his cause, which is Zionism." That is, someone who is nominally Christian who supports, unequivocally, the Zionist Jewish ambition for a national homeland manifest as the nationalist, political movement called Zionism. Moreover, support of the Jewish nation state founded in Palestine on ancient Arab lands. Christian Zionism is a term rarely used before the early 1990s.

Zionism is the modern manifestation in ruthless, political form of Jewish nationalism -the nationalist ambitions of the Modern Tribe of Jews. Consequently, Political Zionism is essentially the ideological instrument for mobilising international support for an exclusively Jewish state founded in Palestine on ancient Arab lands. Both critics and proponents of Christian Zionism agree that the roots of the phenomenon go back many years. Both concur that they go as far back to the Revivalist, Millennialist and Apocalyptic literature arising in the 17th century. Others also point out that its roots go even deeper into history in the Protestant Reformation and to the Jewish mystical Kabbalist Movement in the 16th century. While others even claim they go back as far as the Montanist controversy in the 2nd Century AD. However, its proponents insist that Christian Zionism goes back even further, that it is mandated in both Old and New Testaments claiming these as the source of their motivation. Thus Christian Zionists - these passionate non-Jewish Zionists - claim legitimacy for their doctrines from some of the leading protagonists in the Bible.

In the century before the founding of the Zionist State of Israel the so-called "Palestine Question" became increasingly more complex concomitant with the rise of contemporary Western Christian Zionism. This has caused great difficulty in the proper theological interpretation of historical events, especially since the founding of the Zionist State of Israel in 1948. The so-called "Palestine Question" has become an exceedingly complex and controversial subject indeed, as indeed as has Christian Zionism.
Palestine is a land.......

Christian Zionism is founded upon a very modern Dispensational hermeneutic and an unconventional view of Bible prophecy and eschatology and is distinctively Apocalyptic Zionism. Thus, Christian Zionists and Premillennial Dispensationalists have, in purely secular terms, a pessimistic view of history since they await in eager anticipation the unfolding of a series of wars and tragedies pointing to the Return of Christ. According to Christian Zionists, momentous events herald the Second Advent of Christ, which include: the establishment of the State of Israel, the Restoration of the Jews in their Ancient Promised Land, the destruction of the Dome of the Rock and the building of the Third Temple, the build-up of armies poised to attack Israel, The Rapture and the rise of Antichrist.

Accordingly, the leading proponents of Christian Zionism expend great energy interpreting contemporary political developments in accordance with their prophetic schedule of events. Much energy and speculation is used by them to position geopolitical events in a peculiar context so as to explain and justify that they unfold according to their view of Scripture. Christian Zionism is thus underpinned by an Apocalyptic Vision and Dualistic theology ("Good" versus "Evil") and the movement views history with a sense of pessimism. Thus, as the End Times approaches, the Christian Zionists look for the escalating power and influence of dark, Satanic forces, commanded by Antichrist, that will do battle with "Israel" and her allies: moreover, that a great Judgement will befall all nations and all individuals according to how they "bless Israel" (Gen. 12:3).

Christian Zionism finds significant support in Protestant Fundamentalism and often views mainline Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic denominations with hostility and have accused, for example, the World Council of Churches and related bodies to be tools of the Antichrist. It is also wholly unsympathetic and hostile towards Palestinian Christians and accuse Muslims of being evil instruments of a false god called Allah. A crucial axiom of Christian Zionism is that the founding of the modern the Zionist State of Israel is not only the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy, and so, deserving of political, financial, and religious support but also theologically mandated. The founding of this modern Jewish state on ancient Arab lands is the so-called Palestine Question. To thinking Christians, the Palestine Question resolves itself into two concerns: the Political and the Theological, however multifaceted and interwoven these two aspects are. Thus, two concerns arise, one Political and one Theological:

The Political Concern: This involves these concerns: How should Christians respond to the current situation in Palestine where two peoples claim the same territory? Is the Zionist State of Israel a democracy or an apartheid State? Should Christians support the Zionist Israeli authorities in its ruthless pursuit of its greater ambition for Greater Israel or should they condemn it and support the aspirations of indigenous Arab peoples - the Palestinians - for autonomy and statehood? Should Christians support continued Zionist Jewish occupation, settlement and annexation of ever more of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza and the ghettoisation of Palestinians living under military occupation within a exclusive Jewish Zionist State.


Should Christians believe that the indigenous Arab people - the Palestinians - not only have fundamental human rights and freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but also that they have a more legitimate claim to the land since they have possessed it for many centuries. That Palestinians should be able to live in the land of their birth, in the land of their forefathers, to have freedom of movement and freedom to work and to work on their ancestral lands without fear or retribution.
Moreover, that they have access to education and religious practice and collectively to the right of free speech, of self determination, of political expression and the right to political autonomy and nationhood. That Christians, like the Muslims, believe that the Zionist regime ensconced in the Zionist State of Israel is the origin of great enmity and most instability in the Middle East.

The Theological Concern: Should Christians believe that possession of Palestine by Zionist, atheistic Jews and the existence of the Zionist State of Israel have any theological significance in terms of the fulfilment of biblical prophecy within the purposes of God? Given that understanding of the Promised Land (as an ancient covenant between Yahweh and the ancient Israelites) is inconsistent with the Gospel proclaimed by Christ and concretised in the Person of Christ? In short: Do Christians have good biblical and theological reasons for giving wholehearted support to the Zionist vision and so to give unquestioned, unilateral and unwavering support to the Zionist State of Israel as proof of their belief that Israel - as it exists today - is divinely protected and integral to God's purposes?


Should Christians carefully read Scripture and find grounds for criticising and rejecting Zionist ideology as faux-Christian or heretical? That, in the coming Kingdom of Christ on Earth, ALL nations will be blessed and NOT merely the Nation of Israel, and, more specifically, the Modern Tribe of Jews.


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