Crop Circles are Man Made, and here is why!
21-12-2009 @ 03:27 AM by atlasastro
EDIT to Add this link to Chadwickus great addition to the debate. Check it out people, you know you want too.(after you read my OP that is! :lolCrop Cricles are man made! and here is why pt.2
Crop Circles are Man made, and here is why I believe that.
I noticed that Videos are presented as Evidence. In both these Threads it is the Same Man in the Videos. One video is in the OP of the first thread I linked and the second video is in this post by another member.
The Man in both these Videos is Gary King.
I believe Crop Circles are man made, and I believe there is ample evidence to explain and justify why I believe they are man made.
Gary King is a very busy crop circle researcher. And when I mean busy, I don't mean crop circle research. I mean Crop Circle Industry. This was in August this Year.
Whiltshire Crop Circle Study group annual conference
09.30 – 10.00 Film – Video Diary of a Crop Circle Season by Gary King. From the first formation of 2009, Gary will be filming his experiences in and around the fields of Wiltshire. He will show us footage of the formations, often as one of the first people to enter them. This video documentary will follow a Crop Circle researcher in the thick of the phenomenon.
How interesting that Gary is often First to Crop Circles.
Later on that day we get more Gary.
15.15 – 16.15 Gary King – Art as Miracle. Art, in its myriad form, is all about creative expression. Gary will explore the possibility that the hidden meaning behind the crop circle phenomenon is a direct reflection of the human condition and our pursuit of meaningful expression.
This is interesting. So is Gary saying crop circles are HUMAN expressions reflecting the human condition via a meaningful creative expression, that being crop circles.
From the same conference.
09.30 – 10.00 Film – Win Keech’s exclusive presentation of the enhanced video footage shot from Knap Hill on the 7th July 2007 as the crop circle, now referred to as the 07-07-07 formation, appears below in East Field. This is his first public showing of this footage anywhere worldwide.
Exclusive Enhanced footage? Two years later?
The footage mentioned above is the same footage from both the first thread and video I linked and the second post and video I linked. Gary and Win tell us though, that all that happened was a flash of light and wham! Crop Circle.
east field 07/07/07 pt 1
But later in the day at the conference all three people in this video, two years old, have a re-union and talk about it again.
15.15 – 16.15 Win Keech – 07-07-07 Unlocking The Keys. After sharing his exclusive film footage at the start of the day, Win returns in this afternoon slot to share with us his research into the Crop Circle phenomenon from the past 16 years, and will recall his experience of the 07/07/07 evening. Win’s lecture will last for 45 minutes after which he will be joined on stage by Gary King and Paula Presdee-Jones, the other witnesses of the East Field formation, for a 15 minute question and answer session.
Wow, really milking it. And still going strong.
Look at how busy Gary is with Crop circles.
Just a couple of weeks ago.
8-11-09 Review of the 2009 Crop Circle Season
Speaker: Gary King
Alton Barnes This is the second of two reviews of the 2009 Season, this one is hosted by Gary King. The presentation of pictures of approx 70 formations from this year will be accompanied by Francine's insights into their meanings and their relationship to the landscape in they appeared. Refreshments are available. Usual fees apply, £3 for WCCSG Members, £4.50 Non-MembersAgain this year.
20-06-09 A Day in the Field with Gary King
Facilitator: Gary King
This excursion is limited to WCCSG Members (and guests) only as limited spaces are available. By this point in the season we hope there will be a number of designs available to visit. With Gary as your guide you will be taken into the crop circles with permission from the landowners, experience them for yourself and discuss with your fellow enthusiasts the design, geometry and symbology of the formations you visit. Please bring a packed lunch and a drink with you and ensure you have suitable footwear for walking, plus appropriate clothing and protection for the weather conditions. Members must pre-book this event and may book on behalf of any guests, but bookings from Non Members cannot be accepted on this occasion. Prices are as follows: Members: £12, Non-Members: £15 plus £5 per person for the optional nightwatch.
Further information regarding a meeting place will be forwarded upon booking
I missed the conference, damn. Oh Wait!
Crop Circle DVD by Gary King
Gary King - Crop Circles: Art as Miracle. Filmed on 8th August 2009 as part of the 2009 WCCSG Crop Circle Conference, this is Gary's hour long presentation on DVD.
Product list for Gary Kings research Group
You can do this awesome tour as well. Next Year, in 2010.
Your Inner Quest for the Grail- South West England & Crop Circles, 12th July to 20th July 2010
offered by supplier M19272 (view this supplier profile)
Key Information:
Tour Duration: 13 day(s)
Group Size: 3 - 6 people
Destination(s): England
Specialty Categories: Pilgrimage/Spirituality Cultural Journey
Season: August
Airfare Included: No
Tour Customizable: Yes
Minimum Per Person Price: 2100 Pound Sterling (GBP)
Maximum Per Person Price: 2100 Pound Sterling (GBP)
Day 2: After experiencing Avebury and surrounding area yesterday, we now return to spend the day exploring the Crop Circles with Gary King explaining the phenomenon of these mysterious Crop Circles. Whilst in the circles you will have opportunities to meditate and feel the energies of these wondrous creations. Meals included Breakfast and Lunch
Explain what mysterious Crop Circles? They haven't even happened yet! They don't mean old crop circles because they clearly state for the 2010 crop circle tour that :
Whilst in the circles you will have opportunities to meditate and feel the energies of these wondrous creations. Meals included Breakfast and Lunch.
And there is the 2010 conference already planned, where they will talk about all the 2010 circles, that are YET to appear. Now what will happen if NO CIRCLES appear in 2010. What will all the crop circle people talk about? Geez, I hope they get Circles.
Trade Fair offering:
Crop Circle Books and Films
Crop Circle Photographs & Pictures
Health Products
Music CD's
Alternative Therapies
Crop Circles have a Crop Circles TRADE FAIR!
Just some of the Business for next year as if the Crop Circles are guaranteed!
Now, do you think they really, really, really need circles to appear. Because I do. Do you think that people will be motivated to make these circles? Because I do.
When People on ATS say this:
They get no reward , no recognition and they go back to their homes until the next fantastic design is ready to be created in another field.
Not one of them has ever gone to the media to own up and make money .
This has got to be one of the most secret societies ever !!!
Let`s be honest...if i could make one of these brilliant works of art, i`d want some recognition .
I would really like ATS members to consider that there is plenty of motive to create crop circles, and to also create an alternative phenomena to explain these crop circles in order to make them special so as to inspire interest and mystery in these circles. You need to really question the cultural industry that has sprung up with it and those who promote and encourage that industry.
This culture is the SAME as the UFO/ET/Disclosure culture. Lots of Conferences and "experts". Lots of "proof" but actually none at all.
What I also find significant is the infusion of new age philosophies into these crop circles and the religious nature in which they are spun, with terms like awakening, ascension and such.
We have proof of man made crop circles.
We have no proof of anything else making them.
We have a lot of arguments based on complexity of design and size that are used as evidence to refute the notions that these circles are man made.
This is not evidence.

Crop circles have been documented since the middle ages. Just because some morons have nothing better to do but make crop circles for 15 min of fame does not erase that fact that it is a real phenomenon. These people are paid debunker's or just bored with life. 中世紀以來已有麥田圈,由一些得閒冇事做的人整出來。
Drawing Lines in the Sand

This individual piece is larger than the famous lines of Nazca in Peru and that is something that excites me,’ added Mr Denevan.
It features more than 1,000 individual circles, which they painstakingly ‘drew’ by dragging a roll of chain fencing 2m (6ft) wide behind a 4x4 repeatedly to etch markings into the desert sand.

Butterfly Crop Circle: Facts and Details (The Netherlands August 7th 2009).

物理學能否解釋麥田圈? NWO誘餌加來道雄來複製和踢爆