A soldier manning a tank during clashes with Shiite rebels in the flashpoint Saada province, 180 miles north of Sanaa in the Yemen
也門逮捕29名阿蓋達疑犯 在突擊阻擾其襲擊英國大使館後
Yemen arrests 29 Al Qaeda suspects after raids to foil attack on British Embassy
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 12:50 PM on 28th December 2009
Yemen has arrested 29 suspected al Qaeda members since raiding the group to foil attacks on oil installations and foreign interests including the British embassy, national security chief Ali Mohammad Al-Ansi said.
Al Qaeda's presence in Yemen has grown over the past year, and Washington has said a Nigerian who tried to bomb a U.S. passenger jet on Christmas Day claimed he got help from al Qaeda militants in the impoverished Arab country.
Ansi said on the defence ministry website that al Qaeda had been planning to attack Yemeni government institutions as well as the UK embassy in Sanaa.
'Until now 29 persons have been arrested and authorities are still following up and pursuing the remaining terrorists,' he said in the remarks published on Monday.
Ansi made no comment on the attempted Christmas Day bombing of the U.S. jet, which has put a spotlight on Yemen.
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Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who is charged with trying to blow up a Northwest Airlines plane as it approached Detroit, has been linked to the country.
In U.S. questioning Abdulmutallab claimed al Qaeda operatives in Yemen gave him with an explosive device and trained him on how to detonate it, a U.S. official said.
Yemen has staged two major raids on al Qaeda this month.
Last week, Sanaa said it had killed more than 30 al Qaeda members in an air raid.
The dead possibly included the top two leaders of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and an American Muslim preacher linked to a man who shot dead 13 people at a U.S. army base.Read more:
The earlier raid killed about 30 militants in the eastern province of Abyan and in Arhab, northeast of the capital Sanaa, the government said.
The United States and Saudi Arabia, which borders Yemen, fear al Qeada will use instability in the country to stage attacks in the world's top oil exporting region and beyond.
Apart from al Qaeda, Yemen is also grappling with a Shi'ite revolt in the north and a separatist movement in the south with both complaining of social and economic discrimination, a charge the government denies.
On Monday, the ministry also said 13 senior Houthi rebel commanders, part of the Shi'ite rebellion, had been killed, according to the website.
The conflict in northern Yemen drew in Saudi Arabia last month when the rebels briefly occupied some Saudi territory, prompting Riyadh to launch an offensive against them. Read more:
英25回教徒也門學炸客機 傳媒﹕分5組秘密受訓 擬明年施襲
(明報)2009年12月29日 星期二 05:10
【明報專訊】美國 客機聖誕節險遭恐怖分子炸毁,可能並非單一個別事件。英國 傳媒報引述警方消息稱,當局已鎖定25名在英國土生土長的回教徒,他們現正在中東也門接受訓練,計劃明年中回國,策動炸毁歐美民航客機。今次事件也令國際社會關注恐怖分子在也門的勢力。
英國《太陽報》報道,25名正在也門受訓的青年,跟企圖炸毁美國客機的23歲阿卜杜勒穆塔拉卜(Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab)一樣,都是20歲出頭。他們於今年春夏期間前往也門,大部分人是在出發前幾天才以現金買機票。他們現正分成5個小組,在也門的秘密恐襲訓練營受訓,準備明年初返回英國,等候蓋達發出攻擊指令。
蘇格蘭 場消息人士說﹕「最令人擔心的是,阿卜杜勒穆塔拉卜只是準備襲擊飛機的第一個人,將來可能還有許多施襲者。我們得悉,英國激進回教徒在也門有4、5個巢穴。他們將於數月內返英,我們將予以密切監視。」
英查人肉彈電郵 盼揪出同黨
另外,英國軍情五處和倫敦 警察反恐指揮部加緊翻查阿卜杜勒穆塔拉卜留英期間的活動,探查他有否接觸極端分子及是否有同黨等,當局還將翻查他留英期間發出的數以萬計電話和電郵。《獨立報》引述阿卜杜勒穆塔拉卜的親友稱,他留英期間受極端組織影響,三度出入由強硬派教士講道的東倫敦清真寺。他去年在迪拜攻讀碩士課程中途輟學,告訴家人要去也門讀書,自此與家人斷絕聯絡。其家人昨發表聲明稱,阿卜杜勒穆塔拉卜「最近」行為突變,其父兩個月前通知當局兒子有問題,直到聖誕日才知道兒子險成人肉炸彈。
美特工駐也門 傳授反恐戰術
阿卜杜勒穆塔拉卜上周五被捕後,自稱在也門見過蓋達成員,爆炸裝置和指引也是由對方提供。《紐約 時報》引述一名中情局前高官報道,美國已悄悄在也門展開第3條對抗蓋達戰線。中情局一年前已派出一批具反恐經驗的特工至該國活動,一些極神秘的特別行動突擊隊已向也門安全部隊傳授反恐戰術。報道說,五角大樓將在未來18個月花費逾7000萬美元 ,並動用特種部隊訓練、裝備也門軍隊和海岸警衛部隊。這種人力物力規模,超過以往軍事援助水平的一倍。
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