Major events in 2018 are embedded in the Economist magazine cover
23 July 2018
UPDATE: Next major event will likely be the UK break from the Euro-zone between 1 and 4 August.
The columns left to right are months and each character in the column is about 4 days.
The "dead clown" (Aug 17th to 20th date range). In my opinion Trump is the "Dead Clown". I think it shows the elite plan to get rid of Trump, whether by impeachment or by more permanent means.
Obama comes back 21-24 Sept, right after Yom Kippur. After Trumps ouster Obama returns as dictator. Details below towards the end of the post.
A recent post from Byron Searle that goes along with the above:
"My son, I tell you now, the king and his vice will not be long with this nation. Beware, for the former king has planned and plotted for the demise. The former king will return for the final takedown of America. America is fallen, and the fall of this great empire will shake the entire earth."
UPDATE: 17 July 2018; I'm looking for some type of major event to take place 20/21 July 2018 setting in motion the Global Currency Reset (GCR). The symbolism of the astronaut 20July1969, Neil Armstrong walking on the moon "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." 20/21 July 2018 is also the 9th of Av. the ninth day (Tisha) of the month of Av in the Hebrew calendar. The fast commemorates the destruction of both the First Temple and Second Temple in Jerusalem, which occurred about 655 years apart (666 biblical 360 day years apart), but on the same Hebrew calendar date. Tisha B'Av is never observed on Shabbat. If the 9th of Av falls on a Saturday, the fast is postponed until the 10th of Av.
Combine the above alert with this Hal Turner article and you will see the Elite are cornered, wounded dogs... they are desperate.
End Update
UPDATE to the Above: the date range of the Astronaut character was 17-20 July 2018.
Look what happened on the 19th of July.
"In my estimation, July 19, 2018 will go down in history as one of the most significant dates in Israel's prophetic history—right up there with May 14, 1948 and June 7, 1967. 1948 was the restoration of the nation-state itself, 1967 the restoration of the nation's capital, and 2018 the restoration of the nation's biblical identity."
" I've been following the progression of this law through the Knesset since March, recognizing that if it were to pass this year it would undoubtedly make 2018 as prophetically significant as 1948 and 1967. Well, it passed. It happened. And it happened 70 years since the nation was established—the length of a biblical generation according to Psalm 90:10. Israel's biblical and Jewish identity has now been restored, along with its prophetic purpose to in-gather the exiles and possess the Holy Land. Even more amazing, it was exactly one year ago this week that Israel temporarily regained control of the Temple Mount and Jewish prayers were first offered openly on the ancient Temple platform. Counting inclusively, it has also been exactly 43 weeks, to the day, since the Feast of Trumpets in 2017 and exactly 300 days since the Revelation 12 Sign. In other words, in an exact number of weeks and days within a human gestational period since the Great Sign last year, a major prophetic event pertaining to Israel has occurred."
Article Begins:
Colors may play a part: Green (US Greenback / US dollar), Blue (The Euro / EU), Yellow (?),
The ideas I am presenting here are just guesses at the events to unfold using the characters and timing in the cover above. Whether it comes to fruition... that is a good question.
The columns left to right are months and each character in the column is about 4 days.
The "dead clown" (Aug 17th to 20th date range). In my opinion Trump is the "Dead Clown". I think it shows the elite plan to get rid of Trump, whether by impeachment or by more permanent means.
Obama comes back 21-24 Sept, right after Yom Kippur. After Trumps ouster Obama returns as dictator. Details below towards the end of the post.
A recent post from Byron Searle that goes along with the above:
"My son, I tell you now, the king and his vice will not be long with this nation. Beware, for the former king has planned and plotted for the demise. The former king will return for the final takedown of America. America is fallen, and the fall of this great empire will shake the entire earth."
UPDATE: 17 July 2018; I'm looking for some type of major event to take place 20/21 July 2018 setting in motion the Global Currency Reset (GCR). The symbolism of the astronaut 20July1969, Neil Armstrong walking on the moon "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." 20/21 July 2018 is also the 9th of Av. the ninth day (Tisha) of the month of Av in the Hebrew calendar. The fast commemorates the destruction of both the First Temple and Second Temple in Jerusalem, which occurred about 655 years apart (666 biblical 360 day years apart), but on the same Hebrew calendar date. Tisha B'Av is never observed on Shabbat. If the 9th of Av falls on a Saturday, the fast is postponed until the 10th of Av.
Tish'a B'Av begins at sundown on Sat, 21 July 2018.
End Update
UPDATE to the Above: the date range of the Astronaut character was 17-20 July 2018.
Look what happened on the 19th of July.
"In my estimation, July 19, 2018 will go down in history as one of the most significant dates in Israel's prophetic history—right up there with May 14, 1948 and June 7, 1967. 1948 was the restoration of the nation-state itself, 1967 the restoration of the nation's capital, and 2018 the restoration of the nation's biblical identity."
" I've been following the progression of this law through the Knesset since March, recognizing that if it were to pass this year it would undoubtedly make 2018 as prophetically significant as 1948 and 1967. Well, it passed. It happened. And it happened 70 years since the nation was established—the length of a biblical generation according to Psalm 90:10. Israel's biblical and Jewish identity has now been restored, along with its prophetic purpose to in-gather the exiles and possess the Holy Land. Even more amazing, it was exactly one year ago this week that Israel temporarily regained control of the Temple Mount and Jewish prayers were first offered openly on the ancient Temple platform. Counting inclusively, it has also been exactly 43 weeks, to the day, since the Feast of Trumpets in 2017 and exactly 300 days since the Revelation 12 Sign. In other words, in an exact number of weeks and days within a human gestational period since the Great Sign last year, a major prophetic event pertaining to Israel has occurred."
Article Begins:
Colors may play a part: Green (US Greenback / US dollar), Blue (The Euro / EU), Yellow (?),
The ideas I am presenting here are just guesses at the events to unfold using the characters and timing in the cover above. Whether it comes to fruition... that is a good question.