

環境之前的伊斯蘭教:聯合國環保活躍份子Amina Mohammed拒絕譴責哈馬斯犯下針對以色列的“生態恐怖主義”

環境之前的伊斯蘭教:聯合國環保活躍份子Amina Mohammed拒絕譴責哈馬斯犯下針對以色列的“生態恐怖主義”
Islam before Environment: UN environmental activist Amina Mohammed refuses to condemn Hamas for committing “Eco-Terrorism” against Israel
哈馬斯參與生態恐怖主義而聯合國保持緘默。 那是因為該恐怖主義是做來針對以色列的。
Hamas engages in ecological terrorism and the UN is silent. 
That’s because the terrorism is committed against Israel.

The UN’s deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed is known for her environmental activism. She has served as Nigeria’s minister of environment and is now a leading advocate for environmental protection at the UN. However, her passion for protecting the environment does not seem to apply to Israel. The UN’s leading environmentalist has not issued one statement of condemnation of Hamas, despite Hamas terrorists causing untold ecological damage to Israel.
Islamic Jew-hatred – it’s an Islamic religious imperative.
Hamas has committed eco-terrorism against Israel since the beginning of March, launching thousands of kites and helium balloons, which have been loaded with explosives and molotov cocktails. The attacks have devastated communities in Southern Israel. Over 8000 acres of parks and nature reserves, along with 1500 acres of agricultural land, have been destroyed by the kite bombs. Thousands of animals have died as well.

If Mohammed really cared about environmentalism, she would have condemned Hamas for their ecological destruction in Israel. Israel perhaps creates more technology for environmental protection than any other country. Has Mohammed ever praised Israel for their eco-technology? Doubtful. Mohammed understands that the anti-Semitic Organization of Islamic Cooperation pays her salary. Therefore, Mohammed won’t say a word.

“Israel to UN: Why no condemnation of Hamas attacks?,” Arutz Sheva, July 12, 2018:
