


What is going on in Portland is just the beginning of what is going to be a long hot summer. The Deep State is getting their backsides handed to them politically. The harder the Deep State pushes the fake news rhetoric towards President Trump, the farther their errand boy, the Democratic Party, falls behind in the polls and ultimately the election results. Therefore, the Dems must apply pressure in a different manner.

The Three Stages of the Deep State Revolution
July 3rd, 2018

Stage Three

Stage three of a revolution is actually the commencement of a civil war, or a coup. Which one will occur depends on the level of violence and opposition to the takeover.

The Deep State has not sufficiently tipped their hand as to how they are going to bring the country into civil war and what this will consist of. My personal opinion is that Obama invoked the Kigali Principles for a reason. This allows the UN, with no permission needed, to enter a country that the UN says is in crisis with military troops. They will not doubt be confronted by loyal American military units. If I were a betting man, this is what I think is going to occur and Stage two violence reaches and apex and the body count rises to dramatic levels.


On the eve of July 4th, one has to wonder if this is the last July 4th with regard to a public display patriotism? One caution that I would offer is that each and every conservative American needs to be cognizant of the fact that they are a potential target. Subsequently, I would encourage caution when people venture into public venues. I believe the cartels that pledged violence against conservatives in the CALEXIT meetings will attempt to keep their word.
Finally, are you prepared to survive in the long-term with normal support services from the government and the just in time deliveries to your local grocery stores? If not, you might want to take the time, while it is still available and begin to prepare your response to the cut off of essential services. If you don’t think this is a problem, please look at what happened in Katrina and Harvey.

