

Deagel對2025年的驚人預測預見到在美國的一次史太林式清洗和完美的“共產 - 穆斯林世界”

Deagel對2025年的驚人預測預見到在美國一次史太林式清洗和完美的“共產 - 穆斯林世界” 
Deagel's Astonishing Forecast For 2025 America Envisions A Stalin-Style Purge And The Perfect 'Communist-Muslim World' In The U.S. 

- While 'Left' Calls For Socialism, Hundreds Of Millions Have Perished Under Socialist Regimes

July 12, 2018
We've published many stories in the past that report upon the mysterious website Deagel.com and their very strange 'forecast' for 2025 America that shows what appears to be a massive 'depopulation event' striking our country within the next 7 years. Taking our population from the current 2018 population of 326+ million down to Deagel's forecast of just under 100 million living here by 2025, many within the independent media have asked what might happen to our country for us to reach those numbers.

With not only the US population being forecast to drastically drop but also our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) being forecast to tumble from $19.3 million in 2016 to only $2.4 trillion by 2025 along with our military expenditures being forecast to fall from $637 billion in 2016 to only $32 billion in 2025, we've asked on ANP if Deagel's numbers were what the globalists expected the United States to look like after they fully implemented their totalitarian 'new world order' and 'culled' the lives of more than 225 million people. 

And with America now more divided than at any time since the Civil War, we remind you that Deagel's sources for their forecast include the US Department of State, the US Department of Defense, the CIA, World Bank and European Union among them. So yes, Deagel's sources for their forecast numbers for 2025 America came to them directly from what we all now know as 'the deep state', one that was heavily corrupted over the past decade+. 

Are Deagel's forecast numbers for America proof that the 'deep state' and globalists were working to 'take down' America,  with only a victory in the 2016 election by President Trump standing in their way of completing the work they'd long undertaken? Certainly Deagel's forecast numbers for America for 2025 as seen below should be telling us something.

With Deagel forecasting most countries expecting huge losses by 2025 being Western nations and NATO countries, a very interesting comment left on this Reddit thread offers an interesting opinion on why that is.

You go through their list and it pops out at you. All the supposed massive drops are in NATO countries. Who ever put this together is fantasizing of their perfect Communist - Muslim world. Pandemics or nuclear war don't recognize borders and everyone gets hit over time. What, no one dies in China or Russia but western Europe and North America are taken out with a biological or nuclear genocide?

