SCOTUS Affirms the Right for Permanent Detention With No Due Process! And You Thought FEMA Camps Were Not Real
July 7, 2018
The Government Is Giving Itself the Option to Imprison Americans Without Due Process
In the post-Jade Helm era, and just over five months ago, it was reported that Camp Grayling was now the site where robots are being trained to fire 50 caliber machine guns. This means that FEMA camps, at least in part, will be manned by robots!
In the post-Jade Helm era, and just over five months ago, it was reported that Camp Grayling was now the site where robots are being trained to fire 50 caliber machine guns. This means that FEMA camps, at least in part, will be manned by robots!
This should be concerning to everyone, because it is clear that government is modernizing its FEMA camp facility with a specific purpose in mind.
This story is not just another FEMA camp analysis. This story is about the government giving itself the option of incarcerating American for any reason, or no reason, simply based on the “say-so” of those in charge. And now, all three branches of government are on board with this unconstitutional practice.
If true, is there a “smoking gun” document which proves the claim? There is not only a smoking gun document, there is a law that speaks to this matter very clearly. Further, there is a recent Supreme Court decision which affirms the government’s right to lock you up and throw away the key.
AI Robots Trained to Shoot At Camp Grayling This is Signiificant