New Study Confirms Cats Can’t Spread COVID-19, But Would If Given Option
May 16, 2020The study’s conclusion was clear: Your cat wants you to contract COVID-19.”
硏究的結論清晰: 你的喵想你感染中共病毒,但牠做不到😅😂
A new study out of the University of Washington has left local pet owners with mixed emotions after scientists confirmed that their beloved pet cats cannot spread the COVID-19 virus, but definitely would knowingly and willingly do so if given the option.
“While previous studies confirmed that felines are susceptible to contracting COVID-19, their species apparently suffers no ill effects and does not present a risk as a disease vector. That being said, those little fuckers definitely would infect each and every one of you if they could,” said UW infectious disease researcher Herbert Grant. “We have witnessed common household cats exhibit unique behavior we believe is an attempt to deliberately spread contagion. Feline subjects were observed coughing onto their human’s toothbrushes, prolonging lapses in normal paw hygiene, and rushing out to greet delivery workers before showering their owners with what the cat wants you to believe is affection. The study’s conclusion was clear: Your cat wants you to contract COVID-19.”
While the scientific community has come to a near consensus on feline attempts to spread the novel coronavirus, many faithful pet owners are completely and utterly unsurprised.
“Oh, this news doesn’t shock me in the slightest – this little asshole definitely wants me dead,” said Steven Gonzales, Fremont resident and cat owner. “At least once a week he walks between my legs just as I start walking down the stairs, trying to trip me so I break my neck. And I know this sounds crazy, but I woke up one night with my pillow over my face and I’m like 99% sure this little bastard was trying to smother me. Fucked-up little David Purr-kowtiz running around my house, I’m onto you, you little asshole. He does this cute thing when a bird shows up on TV, though … tries to catch it and shit. He’s alright. Seriously though, you should probably leave before nightfall. It’s not safe.”
Researchers were quick to reassure the public that while your cat’s ceaseless attempts to spread a highly infectious disease to you is certainly cause for concern, their actions are significantly less harmful than your average middle-aged woman with a Facebook account.
May 15,2020
儘管結果顯示貓確實可能感染並傳播病毒給同伴,但河岡也引述世界動物衛生組織(OIE)和 CDC 的話,強調目前還沒有證據顯示貓能將病毒傳給人,飼主沒有理由採取任何可能會損害寵物福利的措施,「人類還是傳播給其他人類病毒的最大風險」。
相反來說,研究證實人類確實會傳染給貓,包含美國布朗克斯動物園裡的老虎、美國紐約兩隻寵物貓的案例中,都曾與確診人類患者相處,美國一項研究也開始針對庇護所中曾暴露於確診患者身旁的貓咪進行檢驗,以目前的檢驗結果來看,貓咪自然感染的風險似乎非常低,在 22 隻接受檢驗的貓咪當中,僅有 1 隻呈現陽性反應。
研究作者之一 Sandra Newbury 強調,面對疫情風暴,動物福利組織正在努力為戲人類與動物間的關係,確保寵物能和飼主待在一起,「現在對所有人來說都是充滿壓力的時刻,人們比以往都更需要寵物提供的放鬆和支持」。
那麼飼主究竟該如何面對現在的情況?獸醫護理臨床事務副院長 Ruthanne Chun 提供 3 點建議:
- 如果寵物和你一起生活在室內,且不曾和武漢肺炎確診患者接觸,你可以安全地如往常般與寵物進行互動。
- 如果你檢測時呈現武漢肺炎確診,就應該限制與寵物的互動,保護它們免受病毒感染。
- 美國獸醫協會和 CDC 已提供武漢肺炎患者居家管理寵物的其他指南。