


NASA May Have Found a Parallel Universe Over Antarctica Where Time Runs Backwards
May 19, 2020

Has NASA given up space wars to the Space Force and space travel to private companies in exchange for sole possession of exploring parallel universes? That seems to be the case with an interesting project called the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) which made to news recently with what appears to be the discovery of one such parallel universe above Antarctica … a universe where time is running backwards. Is this a script for the movies … or a portal to the unknown?

Let’s start with ANITA, the first NASA observatory for neutrinos — electrically neutral particles that normally pass through matter unimpeded and undetected. The ANITA radio telescope is in a balloon high over Antarctica in an area that is devoid of radio noise and distortions. According to Peter Gorham, an experimental particle physicist from the University of Hawaii and co-author of a Cornell paper on the discovery, neutrinos normally travel down from space to Earth. However, on its third flight. ANITA picked up a tau neutrino (a heavier than normal particle) coming back up from Earth. This, Gorham explains, is impossible.

The team went looking for an explanation. The most logical was that the neutrino somehow changed into a different kind of neutrino inside the Earth, reversed course and bounced back into space. As he explained to New Scientist, “not everyone was comfortable with the hypothesis.” With all other theories ruled out, the only one left was that the particle came from a parallel universe to our own formed by the Big Bang, and that the particle came from it. Why was it going in the wrong direction? Because time travels backwards in this parallel universe, said Ibrahim Safa, another researcher on ANITA.

While sci-fi screenwriters are busy writing all of this down, physicists are scratching their heads. Is this really possible? While extremely rare, Gorham says the team has witnessed ‘travelling backwards in time’ neutrinos multiple times. Skeptics say this is probably a mathematical error, but the researchers say everything check out so far. If it holds up, this could be proof of a parallel universe – one where time flows in the opposite direction of ours.

So, where are the people walking and talking backwards, clocks spinning counterclockwise, animals de-evolving, etc.? That’s up to the sci-fi writers to figure out. Physicists like Gorhman and Safa are happy with a backwards-traveling particle.

| “We’re left with the most exciting or most boring possibilities.”

Why not both? Come on, you H.G. Wells wannabes … turn those neutrinos into Newt Reno – the first man to visit a parallel universe and travel back in time.


May 18, 2020

物理學家自1952年以來一直辯證是否有「平行宇宙」的存在,而NASA 最近一項實驗偵測到了來自我們宇 宙之外的物質,並指出那個「平行宇宙」裡的物理規則跟我們所處的 宇宙完全相反。一項前往南極對當地第一百平方公里冰塊做出的氣球實 「驗,接收到了來自另一個宇宙的射線訊號。

南極瞬態脈衝天線(Antarctic Impulsive Transient AntennaHE | ANITA)使用一顆巨大氣球將精密錯綜的天線升往南極乾燥的高空, 遠離來自地球的雜訊干擾,結果發現一陣陣來自外太空的高能量「風吹」,科學家發現那些能量比我們能夠產生的大一百萬倍。他們發現夾帶較低能量的微中子能夠完全穿越地球,不受地球上的任何物質影響;相較之下,氣球偵測到的高能量卻完權無法穿過地球,科學家發現這些來自外太空、由濤微中子夾帶的高能量,事實上是「在時間中倒流」的方式從地球穿梭回來。

夏威夷大學粒子實驗物理學家兼 ANITA研究人員彼得(Peter Gorham)指出這樣的奇怪現象,只可能在穿越地球並穿梭回來前轉換為另一種物質,而每十億道經過地球時被阻擋下來的能量,僅有一道 能量夠穿過地球再穿梭回來。他認為最簡單的解釋方式為:宇宙大爆炸(Big Bang)時,實際上不只形成一個宇宙,而是同時催生兩個宇宙,從我們這宇宙的觀點看來,另一宇宙完全是以「時間倒流」的方式運行。

他指出,如果那個宇宙中也有居民,那麼他們看到的我們也將是相對於他們「倒流」的狀態。ANITA 另一研究人員沙法(Ibrahim Safa) 表示,「如果實驗沒有出錯,那麼 這將是近年最令人振奮的發現。」

