

預測性編程: 2005年的《V煞》-病毒、極權獨裁與恐懼社會

預測性編程: 2005年的《V煞》-病毒、極權獨裁與恐懼社會

一套2005年上演的電影《V煞》,講及的是由於所謂的病毒傳播到世界各地,一個極權獨裁從創造一個恐懼社會賺取權力。 在影片裏,傳媒在城中的每個家庭的電視上播放恐懼基的宣傳。 專制獨裁者承諾給予安全保障而不是自由, 整套電影中反覆出現“這是為你安全”的固定主題。 最重要的是電影以社會覺醒和腐敗政權被拆除來作結束。 這部電影校準在2020年。

A 2005 film "V for Vendetta" is about a totalitarian dictatorship that gains its power by creating a society of fear due to an alleged virus spreading throughout the world. In the film the media pushes fear-based propaganda on the TV of every household in the city. The authoritarian dictator promises security but not freedom. The constant theme of "This is for your safety" is repeated through the film. Most importantly the film ends with society waking up and the corrupt regime is dismantled. The film is set in the year 2020.
