Bill Mitchell:
逼爆醫院? 在冠狀病毒大流行的高峰期,我花很多時間在多間醫院行過一間又一間空房又一間空房。 其中一間我去過的診所候診室有 200 張椅,而我是那裡唯一的人。 我可以用第一手經歷告訴你,關於醫院逼爆的全個故事完全是一個謊言。
Overwhelmed hospitals? During the height of the covid pandemic I spent a lot of time in hospitals and I walked past empty room after empty room after empty room. One Clinic I went to had 200 chairs in their waiting room and I was the only one there. I can tell you from first hand experience the entire story about overwhelmed hospitals was a complete lie.
Richard Citizen : For those that don’t know: This all started for me when I was fired March 16 2020 bc face to face sales appointments were made illegal. So I went to see why? I went to hundreds of hospitals. All the same. EMPTY! This is from august 4. Johns Hopkins Baltimore.
這一切都始於2020 年 3 月 16 日因為面對面銷售預約被定為非法當我被解僱時, 因此我去看看為了什麼原因? 我去了數以百計的醫院, 全部都一樣,都是空空如也的!
這影片是來自8 月 4 日的巴爾的摩約翰霍普金斯大學醫院
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