


British doctor and nine others killed in Afghanistan ambush
A British doctor, Dr Karen Woo, was among ten aid workers ambushed and shot dead by gunmen in a remote area of northern Afghanistan, it emerged today.
By Andrew Alderson and Ben Farmer in Kabul
Published: 1:44PM BST 07 Aug 2010
Dr Karen Woo was among ten aid workers ambushed and shot dead by gunmen in a remote area of northern Afghanistan.

The body of Dr Woo, whose family came from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, was found on Friday next to three bullet-riddled four-wheel drive vehicles.

The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack, which also claimed the lives of six Americans, a German and two Afghan interpreters. The attack happened in the Kuran Wa Munjan district of Badakhshan province in Afghanistan.

It is understood that the victims were lined up, robbed and shot dead with AK-47 rifles. "Yesterday (Friday) at around 8am, one of our patrols confronted a group of foreigners. They were Christian missionaries and we killed them all," said Zabihullah Mujahed, a spokesman for the Taliban.

Dr Woo was returning to Kabul after working in an eye clinic in the Nuristan province when her convoy was attacked. She had previously worked for private health care firm Bupa before she decided to do aid work in Afghanistan. Her parents and two brothers were too upset to comment on her death.

Gen Agha Noor Kemtuz, the provincial police chief, said it was unclear what the group had been doing in Kuran Wa Munjan district of Badakhshan.

He said villagers had reported finding the abandoned vehicles in Afghanistan and an investigation team was sent to the densely-forested scene on the border with Nuristan province, one day's drive from the provincial capital Faizabad. He said: "We couldn't find any passports or anything."

The dead were believed to be medical workers on an eye care mission from International Assistance Mission (IAM), a Christian charity specialising in health and economic development.

A statement from IAM said: "We have been informed that 10 people, both foreign and Afghan, were murdered in Badakhshan.

"It is likely that they are members of the International Assistance Mission (IAM) eye camp team.

"The team had been in Nuristan at the invitation of communities there. After having completed their medical work the team was returning to Kabul.

"At this stage we do not have many details but our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those who are presumed killed.

"If these reports are confirmed we object to this senseless killing of people who have done nothing but serve the poor.

"Some of the foreigners have worked alongside the Afghan people for decades."

Sources close to the organisation said they had not been involved in proselytising.

A United States embassy spokeswoman said: “We have reason to believe that several American citizens are among the deceased.

“We cannot confirm any details at this point, but are actively working with local authorities and others to learn more about the identities and nationalities of these individuals.”

Badakhshan is considered one of the safer, though most remote provinces in Afghanistan. The poverty-stricken region attracts a small number of hikers and adventure tourists.

Dr Woo recently wrote on a website that she wanted to use the medium of health care to show people living outside of Afghanistan what was happening in the country.

On an online charity forum, Bridge Afghanistan, she wrote: "The things that I saw during that visit made me, as a doctor, want to be able to bring back the human stories both good and bad.

"For the last few months I've been working with a small team of journalists and filmmakers as part of Bridge Afghanistan to put together a plan for the documentary I envisioned."

(路透)2010年8月8日 星期日 00:34
(路透喀布爾7日電)警方和官員今天說,包括「幾名」美國 人在內的8名外國醫療人員,在阿富汗 偏遠的東北部地區遭到武裝分子槍殺。塔利班 (Taliban)宣稱發動這起攻擊。

基督教慈善團體國際援助救濟會(InternationalAssistance Mission)表示,遇害者似乎是該會一個移動眼科診所的成員,該診所一直在東北部紐里斯坦省(Nuristan)各地行醫,在提供當地阿富汗人醫療後,當時正在返回喀布爾途中。


(商台)2010年8月7日 星期六 20:55
一支國際救援組織的醫療隊,十名成員在阿富汗 遭武裝分子殺害,包括六名美國 人、一名德國 人、一名英國 人以及兩名阿富汗人。他們早前到努里斯坦省兩個星期,為居民治療眼疾及提供其他護理,日前返回首都喀布爾途中,遭武裝分子殺害。醫療隊另外兩名阿富汗成員,一人在襲擊中生還,另一人因自行返回賈拉拉巴德的家中,倖免於難。

塔利班 發言人已承認責任,指這批外國人除了傳播基督教,亦為美國做間諜,所以殺死他們。

