


Are The Economic Riots That So Many People Have Been Warning Us About Already Starting?
August 12th, 2010
For years, researchers such as Gerald Celente have been warning that the coming economic collapse is going to spark mob scenes and riots that are unprecedented in U.S. history. Many have scoffed at these predictions and have refused to believe that anything like that could ever happen in America. But if what happened on Wednesday near Atlanta is any indication, we could be on the verge of something really bad. 30,000 people turned out to pick up only 13,000 applications for government-subsidized housing. Some people had waited for over two days just to get their hands on an application. The "chaotic mob scene" that developed as the applications were being handed out left 62 people injured. It turns out that there aren't even any vacancies in government-subsidized housing at this time in that area. These people were going wild just to get an application to get on the waiting list for government-subsidized housing. Yes, this is what the American Dream has degenerated into - thousands of people rioting in an attempt to get on a waiting list for a government handout.
多年來,研究人員如Gerald Celente 已警告,即將到來的經濟崩潰將引發騷亂和暴動場面,那在美國歷史上是前所未有的。很多人嘲笑這些預測並拒絕相信,任何像那樣的事情能在美國發生。但如果週三在亞特蘭大附近發生的事情是任何跡象,我們在一些真正壞事情的邊緣。三萬人出現去釣只得萬三個申請的政府資助住房。有些人已等超過兩天只是為遞交一份申請。“混亂的暴民場面”發展於申請被分給時,遺下62人受傷。事實證明,政府資助的住房在這個時候在那地區甚至不存在任何空缺。這些人變得狂野只是為政府資助住房作出申請上輪候冊。是的,這就是美國夢已墮落至 - 數千人騷亂只是企圖上輪候冊為得政府施捨。
This is how one person who was there described the scene....
這是一個在那裡的人怎樣描述現場 ....

"Lot of people. People pushing people, knocking people over. People getting hurt."

As you watch the video news report about this incident below, keep in mind that these people were going crazy just to get an application to get on a waiting list....
當你觀看下面視頻對這一事件的新聞報導,請記住這些人發瘋只是為了申請上輪候冊 ....

Fights, Chaos Reported In Subsidized Housing Line 30,000 people line up for free housing in Georgia
戰鬥、混亂的報導在資助房屋線 - 喬治亞州 30,000人為免費住房排隊


So what is going to happen when real hunger and real economic hardship comes to the streets of America?

What kind of mob scenes will we see then?

But it isn't only in Atlanta where this type of thing is happening.

Just check out the following scene from Detroit from late last year....

Obama Causes Welfare Chaos In Detroit


Is this the beginning of a whole new trend of economic riots?

Let's hope not.

But things are certainly not getting any better out there.

*New applications for jobless benefits rose last week to their highest level in almost six months.

*U.S. banks repossessed the second highest number of homes ever recorded in July.

*The number of Americans who are receiving food stamps rose to a new all-time record of 40.8 million in May.

*Even the mainstream media is acknowledging that something really historic is happening. Recently, CNN published an article with this stunning headline: "Is This Finally The Economic Collapse?"

Things are getting really bad out there already, and when the economy truly collapses the American people are not going to have the character to handle it with grace and dignity.

No, when the poop really hits the fan the American people are going to go absolutely berzerk. They are going to throw a temper tantrum that will top all temper tantrums.

When that day arrives, you and your family will want to be somewhere safe with plenty of food and water on hand. Let us just hope and pray that day does not come any time soon.





  本報訊 美國佐治亞州首府亞特蘭大市伊斯特波恩地區日前發放公共住房補貼,引來當地3萬多居民大排隊。由於當地政府對此毫無准備,導致現場局面一度失控,62人受傷,20多人入院接受治療。








  據新華社電 美國行業研究機構房地產跟蹤公司12日公布的調查報告顯示,今年7月份美國新增住房止贖案例比前一個月增加近4%,顯示房地產市場健康狀況仍不容樂觀。



