臉譜 - 美國中央情報局的數據挖掘網站
FACEBOOK: Federal Human Data Mining Program
Facebook conspiracy: Data mining for the CIA
October 11th, 2010 2:49 am ET.
Translation by Autumnson Blog

臉譜不會是你的朋友 圖片:Getty圖像
My loyal readers may recall that DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has some grotesque tentacles: the Information Awareness Office (IAO); TIA (Total Information Awareness, renamed Terrorism Information Program); and TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System).
我的忠實讀者可能還記得,DARPA(美國國防部高級研究計劃局)有一些奇形怪狀的觸鬚:信息警覺辦公室(IAO); TIA(完全訊息警覺,易名為反恐情報計劃);及TIPS(恐怖主義信息和預防系統)。
It is commonly believed that in 2003 an irate American people forced the government to stop these Orwellian command-and-control police state operations—or did they?
Congress stopped the IAO from gathering as much information as possible about everyone in a centralized nexus for easy spying by the United States government, including internet activity, credit card purchase histories, airline ticket purchases, car rentals, medical records, educational transcripts, driver’s licenses, utility bills, tax returns, and all other available data. The government’s plan was to emulate Communist East Germany’s STASI police state by getting mailmen, boy scouts, teachers, students and others to spy on everyone else. Children would be urged to spy on parents.
國會停止IAO從事收集盡可能多的信息,關於每一個人在一個集中的關係,以便於間美國政府監視,包括互聯網活動、信用卡購買記錄、機票購買、汽車租賃、醫療記錄、教育成績單、駕駛執照、水電費、納稅申報、和所有其它有的數據。政府的計劃是仿效共產黨東德時的STASI秘密警察國家,透過由 郵差、童子軍、教師、學生和其他人去監視每一個其他人,孩子們會被要求監視父母。
These layers of the mind control infrastructure were seemingly dead and buried. But was the stake actually driven through its evil heart? History leads us to believe that it was not.
Then shazam here comes the privacy killing juggernaut called Facebook.
Facebook, however, does what Chairman Mao, Joseph Stalin, or Adolf Hitler could not have dreamt of - it has a half billion people willingly doing a form of spy work on all their friends, family, neighbors, etc.—while enthusiastically revealing information on themselves. The huge database on these half a billion members (and non-members who are written about) is too much power for any private entity—but what if it is part of, or is accessed by, the military-industrial-national security-police state complex?
但是,臉譜做了毛主席、斯大林、希特拉或不可能已夢想過的東西 - 它有5億人心甘情願地做間諜形式的工作去監視他們的所有朋友、家人、鄰居等 - 同時積極地披露他們自己的資料。這些五億成員(和留言的非成員)的龐大數據庫是過多的力量給任何私人實體 - 但如何如果是軍工國家安全警權國家複式的一部分,或被存取?
We all know that “he who pays the check, calls the shots,” therefore; whoever controls the purse strings controls the whole project. When it had less than a million or so participants, Facebook demonstrated the potential to do even more than IAO, TIA and TIPS combined. Facebook really exploded after its second round of funding—$12.7 million from the venture capital firm Accel Partners. Its manager, James Breyer, was formerly chairman of the National Venture Capital Association and served on the board with Gilman Louie, CEO of In-Q-Tel, a venture capital front established by the CIA in 1999. In-Q-Tel is the same outfit that funds Google and other technological powerhouses. One of its specialties is “data mining technologies.”
Dr. Anita Jones, who joined the firm, also came from Gilman Louie and served on In-Q-Tel’s board. She had been director of Defense Research and Engineering for the U.S. Department of Defense. This link goes full circle because she was also an adviser to the secretary of defense, overseeing DARPA, which is responsible for high-tech, high-end development.
But as bad as the beginning of Facebook is, the parallels between the CIA’s backing of Google’s dream of becoming “the mind of God,” and the CIA’s funding of Facebook’s goal of knowing everything about everybody is anything but benign.
Furthermore, the CIA uses a Facebook group to recruit staff for its National Clandestine Service. Check it out if you dare.
Do not become a victim of this full frontal assault on your personal information. Think twice about putting your entire life on Facebook or by that matter on any social media site. None of it is ever private. Everything you put online stays online forever in a server farm somewhere for anyone to analyze you and the people you love. They do not care about your privacy at all and put great value on uncovering all they can about you. They have an agenda that will become more and more apparent to people as time goes by. Believe it or not there is a great change coming in our culture that many choose to be blind too. The mass loss of liberty and freedom we are experiencing is just a signal to the direction this is all going.
FBI臥底滲MySpace Facebook Twitter 蒐罪證
韓國警方搜查谷歌韓國辦公室 調查其涉嫌收集用戶信息
關於 Facebook的真相 حقيقة الفيس بوك