San Diego Port Officer Says Nukes Have Been Found In An American Port
Editors Note: This appears to be some sort of psychological mind game that certain elements of our government are using on the people, almost as if they are prepping us for the reality of a nuclear attack in America.
The Intel Hub
By Alex Thomas
February 12th, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

助理港口主任和一名海關和邊境保護官員Al Hallor已公開承認,一未具名的政府機構去年已在一美國港口發現一件核武器或大規模效應武器!
That’s right, an assistant port director has spilled the beans on a possible major government cover up. During the conversation the port authority press agent continually interrupted the officer in an attempt to get him to shut up.
San Diego Port Officer Says Nukes Have Been Found In An American Port
Homeland Security was quick to “debunk” the officer, citing nervousness as the reason he made such a claim. Events like this make it clear that Homeland Security is far from being about actual security, instead they are a rogue agency dedicated to ushering in the police state.
“So, specifically, you’re looking for the dirty bomb? You’re looking for the nuclear device?” asked Blacher.
“Correct. Weapons of mass effect,” Hallor said.”
You ever found one?” asked Blacher.”Not at this location,” Hallor said.
你曾找到一個嗎?“ Blacher問。“在這個位置沒有,“Hallor說。
“But they have found them?” asked Blacher.”Yes,” said Hallor.
The only thing this officer seems nervous about is telling the truth!
Nukes found at Port of San Diego? Part 2
This is a very interesting story and we will do our best to do a major follow up in the next few days.
Are nukes and other bio weapons being smuggled into an America at an alarming rate? Has Homeland Security decided that we, the American people, do not have the right to know how much danger we are actually in?
自由電台講者呼喚美國人站起來及起義 如埃及人所做的
恐嚇信稱美國境內藏有160枚核彈 FBI展開調查
(英鏈) 舞台已被設置好作一場核無旗襲擊
3 則留言:
1. 民間己掌握核武技術?還是從秘密渠道取得核武器?
2. 這些核武化武數量有多小?
3. 是否己有核武化武己成功運入美國境內?
4. 那個國家/那個組織可以做到這種事?這點很重要!