New 'debt boom' fears as banks offer 'more generous credit card deals'
British consumers are being handed even more generous credit card deals than those on offer before the recession, new research has shown.
By Andrew Hough
Published: 7:00AM BST 23 Aug 2010

Despite warnings of a potential double dip recession, banks are presenting struggling customers with offers of cheaper debt than they made available before the 2007 economic crash.
Experts warned that Britain could face a new “credit card boom” leaving families heavily in debt as they borrow to make ends meet and struggle to pay off the money
專家們警告,英國可能面臨一個新的“信用卡熱”,遺下家庭負債累累,因為他們借錢來糊口及掙紥清還金錢 。
It comes amid concerns of future job losses, particulary as the Coalition government’s spending cuts are due to take effect.
The research, from two price comparison websites, found some banks were offering credit cards with attractive interest free rates for an introductory period of an average of 12.2 months. 來自兩個價格比較網站的研究,發現一些銀行在提供信用卡,以具吸引力的介紹期免息率條件,平均12.2個月。
This was longer than during the peak of the last credit boom but once they end leave families with high interest repayments.
While the improved rates are good in the short term, it can be costly for those who still have debts when introductory offers run out.
Other offers from banks, which have announced recent profits of more than £16 billion, offered cash rebates and other incentives to spend on credit such as attractive interest-free “balance transfer” deals, which encourage borrowers to move debt between cards.
There was also some evidence that despite tightening the rules on who they would lend money to during the recession, the criteria was now being relaxed.
It came as figures from the Office for Budget Responsibility estimated that the average British family of four will borrow £24,000 more during over next five years. It predicted household debt will top £1.8 billion by 2015.
Martin Lewis, an analyst at consumer website, warned consumers to handle the current deals with care.
“Debt is like fire, used well it is a great tool, used badly you’ll get burned,” he said.
“The worst thing to do with a credit card is to use it to fill the gaps your income does not meet each month, that will see borrowings constantly grow and can leave you in a debt spiral.”
Kevin Mountford, head of banking at, added: “While interest-free periods may be getting longer, the sting in the tail is that the rates of interest charged once they end are also increasing.”
Ministers have said they will review lending and borrowing schemes.