Angry Haitians protest UN 'occupation'
Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:56AM
Translation by Autumnson Blog

A group of Haitian protesters have clashed with UN troops in the capital Port-au-Prince over "the lack of foreign aid and continuing foreign military presence."
Around a hundred protesters blocked the entrance to the main UN base around Port-au-Prince's airport on Friday and shouted anti-UN slogans. They were met with UN soldiers who fired warning shots and used force to disperse the crowd, reports say.
大約 100名示威者週五封鎖太子港機場周圍往聯合國主要基地的入口,並高呼反聯合國的口號。他們遭遇聯合國士兵,他們鳴槍示警和用武力驅散人群,報導說。
The protesters say they want "real assistance, not the renewal of ... an occupying military force."
The angry Haitians were protesting the annual renewal of the UN's 12,000-member military and police force in the Caribbean nation, AP reported.
The UN Security Council voted on Thursday to renew the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti, which has been in place since the 2004 ouster of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
Poverty-stricken Haitians, however, have been demanding international assistance particularly after the country's devastating 2010 earthquake which left trails of deaths and destructions. They say foreign forces under the UN mandate have only occupied the Caribbean nation without engaging in serious relief or aid efforts.
An investigation by The Associated Press has determined that none of the $1.15bn in rebuilding funding promised by the US has arrived.
There have also been reports of a rise in drug trafficking and criminal-gang activities in the country.
在帳篷城女孩年輕至兩歲也面對強姦 UN巡邏隊無能
混亂爭奪食物 維和部隊發射胡椒噴霧
海地石油蘊藏量 多過委內瑞拉