The United States has deployed over 10,000 troops to quake-stricken Haiti.
France criticizes US 'occupation' of Haiti
Tue, 19 Jan 2010 06:26:37 GMT
France is demanding the United Nations investigate and clarify the dominant US role in Haiti, after Washington deployed over 10,000 troops to the quake-hit country.
The demand came after US forces turned back a French aid plane carrying a field hospital from the main airport in the Haitian capital.
The Pentagon says it has deployed soldiers in Haiti to help victims of Tuesday's earthquake. This comes as US paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division took control of the main airport in the capital Port-au-Prince on Friday.
The move has raised ire among aid agencies with extensive experience of operating in disaster zones.
"This is about helping Haiti, not about occupying Haiti," France's Cooperation Minister Alain Joyandet said in an emergency EU meeting concerning Haiti on Monday.
He added that he expects a UN decision on how governments should work together in Haiti, while demanding a clarification of the United States' role in the Caribbean nation.
Joyandet's remarks echo those made by Venezuela and Nicaragua that expressed "deep concern" over the US deployment of troops in Haiti.
US secretary of state Hillary Clinton whose country is also blamed for not being quick enough to send aid to the quake-hit nation has denied the occupation charges, stressing on Saturday that the White House had no intention of taking power from Haitian officials.
The US has been accused of interfering in Haitian internal affairs in the past.
The US military played a role in the departure of the former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide before his second term was over in early 2004. Aristide has described his departure as a kidnapping.
Last week's 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti is estimated to have left some 200,000 people dead and more than 1.5 million homeless, with at least 70,000 bodies collected from the rubble so far.
(法新社)2010年1月21日 星期四 13:05
救援團體「無國界醫生組織(Medecins Sans Frontieres, MSF)表示,該組織一架運送重要醫療設備前往海地的飛機曾試圖降落在太子港機場,但三番兩次遭到拒絕。不過美國 「國際開發總署」(USAID)後來證實,這架飛機已降落。
3 則留言:
唔知大家覺唔覺, 今次美國特別熱心, 仲拿拿聲派人去海地講野, 別有用心!
海地係一個咩地方?? 咁值得美國藉此機會進註呢??
都估到一二, 係為左石油!
我公司blocked uwants, 只睇到香討咋, 所以好多info都睇唔到!