Topic started on 23-1-2010 @ 11:32 AM by Emerald The Paradigm
這將發生純為一個事實,整個世界的注意力將集中在2010年奧運會(註:冬季),從二月12至28日。因此你可以肯定的是,戰爭將 在2月28日之前開始。 (甚至早至2月5日)
-美國已在海地放上 15,000名士兵
-美國為武器裝備在海地測試 HAARP科技,在災難發生前一天(海地南方司令...9 / 11北方司令為)
-軍事專家預測,2010年美國部隊死亡每月為 300-500
Surge in casualties predicted in Afghanistan
By Gina Cavallaro - Staff writer
Posted : Thursday Jan 7, 2010 13:21:21 EST
Israel to station German nuclear submarine in PG
Mon, 18 Jan 2010 10:37:43 GMT
A-bomb matter discovered in northern Brazil
Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:06:07 GMT A sample of Uranium ore
Israeli minister: Third war on Lebanon in sight
Sat, 23 Jan 2010 16:14:28 GMT Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) meets with Israeli soldiers.
Israel's troop surge ups tensions at Lebanon border
Fri, 22 Jan 2010 23:20:50 GMT
A fleet of Israeli tanks
Israel OKs new controversial weapon
Fri, 22 Jan 2010 16:50:12 GMT
The Thunder Generator produces shock waves that result in a loud sonic boom and extreme air pressure.
-奧巴馬的醫療保健法案如果獲得通過,將成為美國文明的'正式'墜落(第30-50頁有條文,州政府可以接近你所有的財務和銀行記錄。和那五千頁咁多的法案,因此沒有立法會議員表示他們會看所有的) 。
-事實:在未來 2-5年內,70%的美國人將會失去工作,為最低工資工作,或减薪(來源不會被講名)
100% War Will Start In The Month Of February
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Topic started on 23-1-2010 @ 11:32 AM by Emerald The Paradigm
You can be sure 100% that war will start in the month of February. This is not an "IF" or a "MAYBE", it's a DEFINITE 100%.
Everything in the research of countless hours of news media following as well as news and sources you don't hear about ALL lead to this month of February.
It will happen simply for the mere fact that the ENTIRE world's attention will be fixated on the 2010 Olympics which go from February 12-28. So you can be sure that the war will start BEFORE February 28. (Even as early as February 5)
Quick Key Points: (Don't have time to find all the sources, if you type them in Google you'll find some of them for yourself)
-The U.S. has placed troops in Yemen
-The U.S. has placed about 15,000 troops in Haiti
-The U.S. tested HAARP technology for weaponry on Haiti 1 day before the disaster actually took place (SouthCom for Haiti...NorthCom for 9/11)
Military expert predicts U.S. death for troops 300-500 per month for 2010
-U.S. special forces are now securing Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal
-Germany gave Nuclear Submarine to Israel
-A Bomb Matter found in Brazil (South American countries will be invaded after Venezuela is taken over)
-Israeli Minister says war with Lebanon is in sight
-Israel's troop surge on Lebanon border (Syria also sends troops to border)
-Israel confirms new controversial weapon "Thunder Generator"
-Obama's healthcare bill if it gets passed will be the OFFICIAL downfall of the American Civilization (Pages 30-50 there's clauses that state the Government can access all of your financial and bank records. And so much more is in the 5,000 page legislature bill that NO congressman has said they will read at all)
-FACT: 70% of Americans will be out of jobs, work for minimum wage, or get a reduction in pay within the next 2-5 years (Sources that will not be named)
Some of the links are from pressTV since they were quicker to get from just one site, but they can be found on lots of other news sites as well.
The U.S. is READY for a WHOLE new generation of warfare with multiple countries and so is Israel. This has been anticipated for HUNDREDS of years by the religious fanatics that are running the show to bring in their "Messiah", and build the temple in Israel.
Washington D.C. (Military), Vatican City (Religious), and Inner City London (Financial) are all connected via the Obelisk which is a symbol that connects them and goes back thousands of years. This is where the "reptilian" and other "Odd" creatures enter the scene. What do you expect the Elite that are running the show are obsessed with "Demons" and want to bring their "LORD" back on earth and have all remaining humans worship him.
What's funny is that the three places connected via the Obelisk are NOT part of their own countries! Did you know Washington D.C. is not a part of the United States? True Story, look it up!
This is all going to start in February 2010 as a PRETEXT to the REAL thing which is the 2012 invasion of their "LORD". This is not me making it up. This is actual FACT that you can read about reaching from the dawn of civilizations in Babylon, etc till now.
What's also funny is how people still think America needs to spread Democracy when they keep forgetting there's NO SUCH THING as Democracy! It's made up! America is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. They will repeat the lies over and over again to justify their criminal acts and wars to place the setting for the return of their Lord.
The War On Terror is NEVER meant to end. Almost every expert in the Militaries of all countries know that the "war on terror" is a never ending warfare. It's BIG BUSINESS! Why do you think Yemen allowed the U.S. into their country? They got over $100 Million to fight "terrorism". Why do you think Pakistan listens to what the U.S. says regarding the militants? They are being PAID BIG MONEY. They are ALL sell outs. The War on Terror is not meant to end just like the War On Drugs or the War on Poverty. It's ALL about WAR because it's BIG MONEY!
PS. Nick Rockefeller himself told Aaron Russo (famous director that is dead now) that the U.S. was going to invade Afghanistan, Iraq, Venezuela, and declare a war on Iran, so that they can take peoples' freedoms away under the pretext of "terrorism" and MICRO CHIP the Entire world's population. This conversation between them was in the late 1990's.
WAKE UP and DON'T fall for it again like the majority did on 9/11!
Anti-Semitic attacks against Jews 'rise in the UK'
By Dominic Casciani
BBC News
Friday, 5 February 2010
The Community Security Trust (CST) said it had recorded 924 incidents over the year, 55% more than the previous high of 598 incidents in 2006.
Disc: http://www.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php?tid=11635143&page=1&extra=page%3D1#pid241960632
4 則留言:
禁秋生= =你打算點做?無可能唔做野,等打到埋黎...
同埋佢話個個washington dc唔係美國右係咩意思?
假設佢講既野成真, 都無咁快黎到亞洲既, 仲有幾個月俾我地準備!
不過正如秋師兄講, 過到初一, 都唔知過唔過到十五!
快d做自己想做既事, 完成埋自己既心願, 咁仲好啦!
Sammi,又未至到咁的,前面還有句'睇天意',那些情况都是for 美國人,雖然香港也受影响,但兩點,疫苗過程看到港府和媒體似乎並未完全同流合污或被操控,看來是後知後覺;另外,香港是福地,就算三戰,都未見有乜理由或戰略價值,香港會被班顛佬掟個核彈來咁嘥料。