In Britain, the hunt is on for aliens
Mon, 25 Jan 2010 08:40:00 GMT

Scientists have broadened search for extraterrestrial life on other planets in recent years.
Leading astronomers in Britain say they have compelling evidence of alien life on other planets, a claim that would mark a breakthrough if proven correct.
Lord Rees, Britain's leading astronomer and the president of the Royal Society and Astronomer Royal, told BBC on Monday that there is a good chance of discovering life on other planets.
According to Rees, the recent deployment of advanced telescopes capable of detecting outlying planets with earth-like features has raised such possibilities.
"Technology has advanced so that for the very first time we can actually have the realistic hope of detecting planets no bigger than the earth orbiting other stars," he said.
"(We'll be able to learn) whether they have continents and oceans, learning what type of atmosphere they have.”
He said however that life and intelligence on other planets would undoubtedly come in forms that are beyond human capacity, "as much as we [humans] are beyond a chimpanzee," he added.
His comments come as hundreds of scientists and astronomers gather in London for an international conference to discuss the prospect of discovering extra-terrestrial life, a topic that has provoked the curiosity and interest of influential individuals and entities, including the Vatican.
Over the past fifty years, scientists have been searching for radio broadcasts that signal the existence of intelligent life on other planets, but have only heard static so far.
Lord Rees said the finding of life, even in the simplest form, elsewhere in the universe "would clearly be one of the great discoveries of the 21st Century".
The digital revolution is making Earth harder to detect by inquisitive aliens, world's leading ET hunter says
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 7:37 PM on 25th January 2010
Satellite TV and the digital revolution is making humanity more and more invisible to inquisitive aliens on other planets, the world's leading ET hunter said today.
That might be good news for anyone who fears an 'Independence Day' - style invasion by little green men.
對害怕'獨立日' - 小綠人入侵-的人來說,這可能是個好消息。
But it is also likely to make the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence by Earthly scientists harder, Dr Frank Drake believes.
Dr Drake, who founded the SETI (Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence) organisation in the US 50 years ago, said the digital age was effectively gagging the Earth by cutting the transmission of TV and radio signals into space.
德雷克醫生50年前在美國創立SETI(搜尋地外智慧)組織說 ,數碼時代是有效地窒息地球,因減少了電視和無線電信號的傳輸送入太空。
At present, the Earth was surrounded by a 50 light year-wide 'shell' of radiation from analogue TV, radio and radar transmissions, he said.
But although the signals had spread far enough to reach many nearby star systems, they were rapidly vanishing before the march of digital technology.
To a race of observing aliens, digital TV signals would look like noise, said Dr Drake.
Scientist Frank Drake said the digital age was effectively gagging the Earth
Digital transmissions were also much weaker than their terrestrial equivalent.
While old-style TV transmitters might generate one million watts, the power of a satellite signal was around 20 watts.
Satellites also aimed their transmissions at the Earth, with almost none being allowed to escape into space.
Use of cable prevented the leakage of signals even more effectively.
'Now the actual amount of radiation escaping into space is about two watts, not much more than you get from a cell phone,' said Dr Drake.
'If this continues into the future very soon our world will become undetectable. Using ourselves as an example, it means the difficulty of finding other civilisations will be much greater.
'We're going to have to search many more stars and many more frequencies.'
Any alien civilisations that existed were likely to be far more advanced than ours, he said. Their analogue TV age probably came and went long ago, before humans even thought about searching the sky for signs of intelligent life.
Dr Drake was speaking at a discussion meeting taking place at the Royal Society in London entitled 'The Detection of Extra-terrestrial Life and the Consequences for Science and Society'.
He said he remained convinced that intelligent life existed beyond the Earth, despite the lack of success of SETI scientists who have spent half a century tuning into the stars.
The famous 'Drake Equation' which he invented to estimate the chances of finding ET indicated there might be 10,000 detectable civilisations in our galaxy, the Milky Way.However, even this large number equated to just one in 10 million stars.
他發明的著名德雷克公式',用以估計找到ET的機會,指出有可能有一萬可檢測的文明在我們的銀河系中。然而,甚至是這樣大的數目只等同於 10萬顆中的一個。
'We have to search 10 million stars for signals and we have to do it over and over,' said Dr Drake. 'We haven't remotely come close to that.'
Aliens could reveal themselves with technologies that are currently far beyond the scope of humans, he pointed out.
One possibility was using your own star as an incredibly powerful lens to amplify light and radio signals.
Our chance of finding alien life is greater than ever, says Britain's top astronomer
This could be done because of the way gravity bends light, as demonstrated by Albert Einstein.
The Sun bent light from distant stars to a focal point where one million-fold magnifications should be possible, dwarfing the abilities of the most powerful telescopes.
Unfortunately, the focal point is far beyond the edge of the Solar System and too far to reach using current technology, said Dr Drake.
But it was likely advanced civilisations elsewhere had mastered the technique, he added.
A 'gravitational lens' of this type could be powerful enough to map the continents and oceans of a planet in a distant star system.
Reversing the technology to use the lens as a transmitter instead of a receiver would enable aliens to beam massively powerful signals across the galaxy, said Dr Drake.
They could be using such a system to announce their presence to other planets, he said. But although the signal would be strong, it was likely to be transient as the beam was swept from place to place.
Another method of communication could be through the use of incredibly powerful pulsed lasers, such as those now being developed for nuclear fusion reactors.
Such a laser would produce a flash that for an instant could outshine a star. SETI had now started to look for signals of this type, so far with no success.
'In the universe elsewhere there is intelligent life. I'm confident about that, but how easy it is to find we don't know,' said Dr Drake.
Aliens are likely to look and behave like us
Alien life, if it exists at all, is likely to be just like us, a leading scientist has claimed. He also believes aliens would also share our human weaknesses for greed, violence and the exploitation of others.
By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent
Published: 12:15PM GMT 25 Jan 2010
尋找外星人應該從地球開始 不是外太空 科學家說
The search for aliens should start on Earth not outer space, says scientist
The search for alien life forms should be conducted here on Earth rather than in outer space, scientists have claimed.
Published: 7:24AM GMT 25 Jan 2010
Satellite TV 'making humans invisible to aliens on other planets'
Satellite television and the digital revolution is making humanity more and more invisible to inquisitive aliens on other planets, the world's leading ET hunter has said.
Published: 7:30AM GMT 26 Jan 2010
2 則留言:
我有d唔明, 係條友覺得搵左50年都搵唔到, 所以就證明係無外星人??
咁每日都有出現既ufo又點解釋? 外星人既科技遠高於呢班白痴科學家, 警察既對講機都干擾到啦! 要干擾令佢地探測唔到, 係好容易既事!
Sammi你試吓將佢變成云海,積極性、信心和學術底都好過云海,五十年前就開始揾;用地球人來比,他的Drake Equation咁出名,一定叻過你和我,五十年來他亦不會只用一種方法揾,數碼或電波只是找不後對自己浪費了五十年生命的一個解說,不用在現在這麼多人信/說有的時候就認輸,你試看云海,一知道稍為有可信的事就四圍去查個明白就知了。