Video: How Mass Media Control You!
2010 January 26
This is how they control the masses of this world through media – Yes we all are brainwashed.. doesn’t matters if we are in USA, India, Pakistan or any other part of the world.. we are being fed on deceptions, lies and personal agendas just to rule us.
這是他們如何透過媒體控制這個世界的群眾 - 是的我們都被洗腦 ..沒有問題如果我們在美國,印度,巴基斯坦或任何其它世界的部分..我們正被餵飼以欺騙、謊言和個人目的,只是為了統治我們。

大眾媒體 - 他們如何控制你 第1部分
Mass Media-How They Control You-Part 2
Mass Media-How They Control You-Part 2
The below amazing interview was done back in 1985 with a former KGB agent who was trained in subversion techniques. He explains the 4 basic steps to socially engineering entire generations into thinking and behaving the way those in power want them to. It’s shocking because our nation has been transformed in the exact same way, and followed the exact same steps.
How To Brainwash A Nation