
儘管豬流感活動低 H1N1病毒死亡拔尖
H1N1 death spike despite low flu activity
January 29, 2:32 PMColorado Springs Christian Spirituality ExaminerDouglas Christian Larsen
Colorado Springs — With h1n1 swine flu numbers down (lowered level of reported cases) and yet a spike in both influenza and pneumonia-related deaths at a level that rivals peak numbers since the beginning of the pandemic in April 2009, early signs indicate that the second wave of the h1n1 swine flu pandemic may be beginning right now. Evidence suggests a more virulent version of the virus is circulating, a mutated version of the early novel virus.
科羅拉多斯普林斯 - 有低H1N1豬流感數字(報告宗數水平降低),然而流感和肺炎兩樣有關的死亡卻尖上,至一水平屹對自2009年4月大流行開始以來的高峰;早期跡象指出,第二波的H1N1豬流感大流行可能由現在開始,有證據提議,一種毒性更強版本的病毒正在傳播,是一種早期新穎病毒的變種版本。
The pandemic is ongoing and deadly in both India (death toll 1,210) and Ukraine (death toll 1,005), with both locations presenting the symptoms of a more virulent virus. Advance warning could be sounding in Tennesse at present:
Physicians at Le Bonheur say more people are coming to the hospital with flu-like symptoms. Since the start of the new year, about 18 people have been admitted to Le Bonheur with flu-like symptoms, said Dr. Keith English, director of Infectious Diseases at the hospital. - Shelvia Dancy
Dr. Keiji Fukuda, addressing the 2009/2010 H1N1 Pandemic at the Council of Europe declared:
The H1N1 pandemic is not the same as seasonal influenza and differs in major respects. Large outbreaks occurred outside the usual season for influenza. The virus caused a striking and unusual pattern of severe illness and deaths in younger people, with many deaths caused by viral pneumonia, an especially aggressive form of pneumonia. This pattern is not typically seen during seasonal influenza.- Dr Keiji Fukuda, January 26, 2010
If, as signs indicate, a more virulent version of the h1n1 swine flu virus is now circulating in parts of the world — including the United States — and if the current h1n1 swine flu vaccine will offer no protection against the mutated virus, now would be the very best time to investigate natural remedies to the h1n1 swine flu influenza.
This dramatic jump in deaths raises concerns that the current H1N1 is more virulent and lethal than the H1N1 circulating in the fall. The early appearance of that virus dramatically increased the P&I, which then declined as the H1N1 levels declined. However, the current jump is well ahead of such a corresponding jump in H1N1, which would support a more lethal H1N1. - Recombinomics, January 29, 2010
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