Haiti arrests 10 US citizens for child smuggling
Sun, 31 Jan 2010 01:49:45 GMT
The Haitian police have arrested 10 US citizens after they tried to take 33 Haitian children out of the earthquake-stricken nation.
One of the suspects, who says she is the leader of an Idaho-based charity called New Life Children's Refuge, denied they had done anything wrong.
The suspects were detained at Malpasse, Haiti's main border crossing with the Dominican Republic, after Haitian police conducted a routine search of their vehicle.
The Haitian authorities said the 10 US citizens had no documents to prove they had cleared the adoption of the 33 children — aged 2 months to 12 years old — through any embassy and no papers showing they were made orphans by the quake in the impoverished Caribbean country.
海地當局說,10名美國公民沒有任何文件,以證明他們已完成了33名兒童的通關 - 年齡 2個月至12歲 - 透過任何使館,和沒有文件顯示他們在這個貧窮的加勒比海國家,因地震成為孤兒。
In addition to outright trafficking in children, Haitian officials have also expressed concern that legitimate aid groups may have flown children believed to be orphans out of the country for adoption before efforts to find their parents had been exhausted.
As a result, the Haitian government halted many types of adoptions earlier this month.
Haiti earthquake: orphans for sale for $50
Orphans in Haiti are being offered for sale to foreigners for as little as £30 amid warnings that up to one million children in the country have been left vulnerable to abuse and trafficking in the wake of the earthquake.
在海地的孤兒掛牌出售給外國人,少至30英鎊一個;儘管有警告多達 100萬該國兒童,地震引致被遺棄處於難防的虐待和販運。
By Nick Allen in Haiti
Published: 9:17AM GMT 28 Jan 2010

In a remote area north of Port-au-Prince, a man was reported to have offered to sell a young boy to a Canadian man for just $50.
The first confirmed case of a child being offered for sale since Haiti was devastated by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake on Jan 12 took place near Gonaives, 150km north of Port-au-Prince.
自海地在1月12日被七級地震破壞,第一宗證實的兒童挂牌出售個案, 發生在戈納伊夫附近,於太子港的北部150公里。
It was reported by Noel Ismonin, a Canadian pastor who rescues orphans in the area. A man offered to sell him the boy but the pastor refused.
據Noel Ismonin報導,一名在該地區拯救孤兒的加拿大牧師,被一名男子向他兜售少年,但遭牧師拒絕。
Meanwhile, in camps around the capital there were several reports of men being lynched after being accused by earthquake victims of trying to steal infants from tents.
The incident near Gonaives raised fears that child trafficking gangs could move into desperately poor rural areas that have yet to be properly reached by aid agencies. The gangs are also be less likely to be picked up by authorities there.
Abduction of children by child traffickers was already a chronic problem in pre-earthquake Haiti, where thousands were handed by their families into lives of domestic servitude.
"There are an estimated one million unaccompanied or orphaned children, or children who lost one parent," said Kate Conradt, a spokesman for Save the Children. "They are extremely vulnerable."
"目前估計有100萬無人陪伴或成為孤兒的兒童,或兒童失去一名父母。”拯救兒童發言人凱特 Conradt說, “他們是十分容易受傷害的。”
As fears for the safety of Haitian orphans grew a group of 78 children sleeping in the street outside their shattered orphanage in the capital were being guarded at night by a group of local people.
由於擔心海地孤兒的安全增加,在首都一所破碎孤兒院外的一組 78名睡在街上的兒童,正被一組當地人民在夜間守衛。
The bodies of 56 other children remained buried under a three-storey section of the collapsed orphanage in the Carrefour slum area.
The youngest victims, Cedric Francois and James Alcius, were both just five months old.
最年輕的受害者,弗朗索瓦和Alcius,两人都是僅僅 5個月大。
Of the survivors, many had wounds to their heads and limbs. They sleep on blankets laid in the street. Three plastic sheets provided by Unicef have been strung from trees.
"If it rains it will be terrible," said Eviline Louis-Jacques, 61, who runs the Notre Dame de la Nativite orphanage.
"There are 56 dead over there," she said pointing to a pile of rubble. "Most of them were babies. That's why they were in there, they were sleeping. But I have 78 left."
Vanessa Line, three, was rescued after spending two days stuck in the rubble. She stares blankly ahead and does not speak, clearly traumatised by her ordeal.
Naika Simon, six, who suffered head wounds when timber fell on her, said: "It hurt me and I was crying. I could hear others crying as well. It was dark and I was scared. I miss my mummy and daddy."
Another child, Reginald Gibbs, five, who has a broken leg, was brought to the orphanage by his parents after their home collapsed.
He was already up for legitimate adoption before the earthquake and a family in France is waiting for them.
His father, Daniel Gibbs, 50, said: "He is suffering. We want him to go to France as soon as possible because he will get better care."
Haiti's orphanages have also become targets for people desperate for food, water and medical supplies. Maison de Lumiere, which has 50 orphans, came under attack from a group of 20 armed men but security guards drove them off.
Charities and aid agencies are only supplying the orphanages with a few days of food and water at a time in case they are looted.
更新時間 2010年 1月 31日, 格林尼治標準時間08:00