'Cannibal killer' frat boy who killed Florida couple 'believed he was JESUS, saw demons and became obsessed with the Illuminati as his disturbing YouTube channel reveals self-penned rap songs about eating people's faces'
A 'cannibal killer' frat boy who ate his victim's face as the man lay dying on the floor was convinced he was Jesus and became obsessed with the Illuminati, a mental-health report states.
- Investigators say they found Austin Harrouff, now 22, biting John Stevens face while making growling noises on August 15, 2016
- He is accused of murdering Michelle Mishcon and John Stevens in a brutal attack
- Harrouff's attorneys are preparing an insanity defense for their November 4 trial
- They ordered a full psychiatric assessment of Harrouff to support their case
- Some of the disturbing observations include Harrouff's belief that he is Jesus
- He also became obsessed with the Illuminati, seeing demons, and Yin and Yang
- The report concluded Harrouff was suffering from a range of severe psychosis-related issues including an 'acute manic episode with psychotic features'
Investigators say they found 'cannibal frat boy' Austin Harrouff, now 22, biting John Stevens' face while making growling noises on August 15, 2016. Harrouff's attorneys, who are preparing an insanity defense for the November 4 trial, enlisted the help of Dr Phillip Resnick to conduct a full psychiatric assessment to support their plea

Among the key points listed in Dr Phillip Resnick's report, which included a six-hour interview with Harrouff, as well as numerous interviews with family and friends, are:
- Harrouff felt he had 'superpowers within him' and felt like 'he was Jesus'. He began walking around in a 'slow harmonious manner' and believed he had a responsibility to fix people's problems.
- He became preoccupied with the 'Illuminati' as well as religious and philosophical ideas. He was convinced demons were after him and refused to sleep in the dark. He studied: 'Tony Robbins, Lincoln and Krishna' obsessively.
- In one instance, he claims to have seen a demon but did not know if he was asleep or awake, he became obsessed with 'Yin and Yang' - and good vs evil.
- He believed water 'was a source of power' for him which allowed him to stay young and that he was able to manipulate water with his hands.
- In 2016 he decided he would become a public figure and began creating rap videos under the alias Austi Frosti - some of his songs include the disturbing lyrics 'there's a new sheriff in town, he's going to eat you and make you frown'.
- In another self-penned song, he described a girl's face as 'yummy', and also shared numerous bodybuilding videos where he posed topless
Dr Resnick's report says the fact that he continued to bite his victim 'in the presence of police officers, in spite of threats of being shot, being tased and receiving multiple kicks to the head, suggests that Mr. Harrouff was actively psychotic.'

It went on to conclude Harrouff at the time of the attack was suffering from severe bipolar disorder, and an 'acute manic episode with psychotic features.'
As part of his research, Dr Resnick held a six-hour interview with Harrouff at the Martin County jail.
He said he also reviewed Harrouff's journal, his online searches and videos, studied an interview with Dr Phil, and interviewed numerous friends and family members.
In the lead up to the attack, Dr Resnick said Harrouff researched words like 'mania' and 'hallucinations' and searched whether he was going crazy.
Also detailed in the report is Harrouff's increasing paranoia.
It states he thought there were evil forces in his home and he began sleeping near his sister in order to protect her.
In the days up to the attack he bought a knife for protection, the report says.
Just a day before the savage attack, Dr Resnick said Harrouff began to think he was half-man half-dog and could run 'super fast'.
Harrouff's sister said he began wandering through bushes to be 'one with the animals', and sat in the back seat of the car where dogs sit.

Full article and videos: