Occult Symbols in Corporate Logos (pt. 1)
By Vigilant
May 19th, 2009
During the 20th century, urban environments got taken over by corporate logos. Studies have reported that an average person is exposed to about a thousand logos a day. Few people however ponder on the symbolic meaning of these marketing tools and their occult origins. This article analyzes the esoteric origin of some well known corporate logos.

Think about where you encounter logos on an average day: they are on household items, on cars, on clothes, in tv ads, on billboards, on insignas, all over sporting events and even on this very page (sorry). Logos are one of the results of extensive studies (funded by the Rockefeller’s “Chicago School”) in cognitive sciences, neuropsychology and biology. Those studies constitute the core of ”marketing”, a heavily funded field which keeps its findings totally secret from the general public. Why are the findings secret? Well, if you knew why marketing worked on you, you wouldn’t fall for it anymore.
The huge visibility of corporate logos is also an opportunity for the elite to showcase their beliefs and their power. The same way occult symbols are inserted on buildings and sites (see the Sinister Sites section for examples), they are hidden in plain view on corporate logos. We will now explore the origins and meanings of the symbols used in logos. This article will focus on the Winged Sun-disk and the Vesica Piscis.
The Winged Sun-Disk

“Horus, the Virgin-Born redeemer of the Egyptians, came intro the world to destroy the enemies of the great God, Ra. Therefore Horus changed himself into the form of the winged sun-disk, and took with him the Goddesses Nekhebet and Uatchit in the form of two serpents. After their successful war upon the enemies of Ra, Horus commanded Thoth, the God of Secret Wisdom, that the winged sun-disk with the erect serpents should be brought into every sanctuary of all the gods of the lands of the South and North.”
The author continues about symbolism:
“The symbolic points in the foregoing legend are very old, for they belong to the earliest period. The winged disk, which as a hieroglyphic means “to become – to be – to create,” is a part of symbolical ornamentation of every temple, displayed over every gate and doorway, and a symbol of the earliest expression of life after death that has reached our day.”
-Thomas Milton Stewart, Symbolism of the Gods of the Egyptians and the Light They Throw on Freemasonry
The symbol is a representation of the ascension of the soul to the Divine, with the help of the serpents of wisdom and knowledge:
“And the meaning of the winged Sundisk is this, – It is the symbol of perfect Aspiration towards the Divine, of Purification of the lower nature, and of final ascent into union with the One.”
-G.A. Gaskell, Egyptian Scriptures Interpreted Through the Language of Symbolism Present in All Inspired Writings
Egyptian mystics used the winged sun for ritualistic magic and invocations:
“‘Emblematic of the element of air, this consists of a circle or solar-type disk enclosed by a pair of wings. In ritual magic it is suspended over the alter in an easterly direction and used when invoking the protection and co-operation of the sylphs.”
-Hope, Murry, Practical Egyptian Magic
The winged sun is still being used today by groups like the Freemasons, the Theosophists and the Rosicrucians.
“The Winged Globe is pre-eminently a Rosicrucian symbol, although the Illuminati may lay claim to it, and it may be admitted that it is of Egyptian origin. The Winged Globe is the symbol of the perfected soul making its flight back to the source of its creation in the Elysian fields beyond.”
-Swinburne, Clymer, The Rosicrucians Their Teachings
So this ancient mystical and magical symbol representing the perfected soul has graced entrances for millenniums and is still being used for the same purpose. Here’s the winged sun used on Rosicrucian and Masonic buildings:


Since the wings are the means of transportation of the perfected soul, this symbol has been used in the automotive industry.



The Vesica Piscis

This ancient symbol is the shape formed by two interlocking circles and is part of sacred geometry. “Piscis” refers to the fact that the middle section resembles a fish (piscies). Its mystical meaning has always been shrouded in mystery but most agree that it is meant to represent the feminine principle – the “vulva of the Goddess”.
這古老的符號是由兩個連鎖圓造成的形狀,及是神聖幾何的一部分。 “南魚”指向一個事實,即中間部分類似一條魚(南魚)。它的神秘含義一直籠罩在謎中,但大多數人同意它是能代表女性的構造- “女神的外陰”。
“The Vesica Piscis, two interlinked circles, is also known as “the Yoni”. The name “yoni” refers to the middle portion of the interlocking circles, is derived from the Sanskrit meaning, “divine passage”. That the yoni is the feminine, the yoni should be viewed such that the divine passage becomes a correlation to sex, or male/female union. It is this correlation, and its relation to rebirth and regeneration that remains a basic truth at the very core of Occult structural foundations.”Early Christianity often represented Christ inside a Vesica Piscis, representing the womb of the Virgin and/or the gateway to the celestial world.
John Yarker, The Arcane Schools

“The vesica is “a universal exponent of architecture or Masonry, and the original source or fountain from which its signs and symbols are derived— it constituted the great and enduring secret of our ancient brethren”
-George Oliver, Discrepancies of Masonry
Albert G. Mackey discusses the use of the vesica in early Masonry:
“As a symbol, it was frequently employed as a church decoration by the Freemasons of the Middle Ages. The seals of all colleges, abbeys, and other religious communities, as well as of ecclesiastical persons, were invariably made of this shape. Hence, in reference to the religious character of the Institution, it has been suggested that the seals of Masonic Lodges should also have that form, instead of the circular one now used.”We can see a typical use of the vesica on a masonic seal:
Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
院士分部的印章 #847
Seal of Academia lodge #847
Probably because of its association with sexuality, the vesica is used by clothing companies its also used by other brands

To Conclude
This is the first of a series of articles concerning the occult symbols in logos. I did not start with the most obvious or the most scandalous ones, but they are great examples of the depth of esoteric symbolism in pop culture. What is the point of inserting occult symbols in logos? Is it an arrogant display of power by the elite or a way to celebrate Mystery Religions? Esoteric scholars affirm that symbols have deep reaching magical effects on the masses:
“It is known that the Unconscious, whether personal or collective works by means of pictures or images, speech being a comparatively recent development. [...] Magic [...] speaks to the subconscious mind of man through the archaic images of its symbols and rituals, and thereby produces those “changes in subconscious” which the magician seeks.”
“它已知道,無意識的,無論是個人或集體性作品以圖片或圖像的方式,演說是一比較新的發展。 [...]魔術 [...]對人的潛意識腦袋說話,通過它的符號和儀式的古老圖像,和從而產生那些“在潛意識的改變”,那是魔法師尋找的。“
- W. E. Butler, Magic; It’s Ritual, Power and Purpose
- W.E.巴特勒,魔術;它的儀式、權力與目的
Considering the fact that members of occult societies like the Freemasons study Magic and the power of symbols, there is little doubt that many corporate logos apply this ancient knowledge. Some logos are even suspected to be sigils, symbols that have been magically charged to focus the subconscious to perform particular tasks. In other words, they’re more powerful than you think.
Continue to part 2 – Occult Symbols in Corporate Logos: Saturn Worship
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