Occult Symbolism : Saturn Worship
You might not know it, but the entire world has been worshiping Saturn for thousands of years. The cult has never stopped and its rites are still present to this day. Saturn, dubbed the “Lord of the Rings”, is the reason why we exchange rings at weddings or put halos on the heads of godly people. This article exposes the attributes of the god Saturn and the perpetuation of his cult through in pop culture.你可能不知道,已有數千年全世界都一直在崇拜土星,邪教從未停止過及其儀式今天仍然存在。土星被稱為“環主”,就是為甚麽我們在婚禮交換戒指的原因,或將光環放在神人的頭上。這篇文章揭露了土星神穿越流行文化的象徵和其邪教組織的延續。

“Chronos, or Saturn, Dionysos, Hyperion, Atlas, Hercules, were all connected with ‘a great Saturnian continent;’ they were kings that ruled over countries on the western shores of the Mediterranean, Africa and Spain. ”
Baldwin, Prehistoric Nations
In Egyptian mythology Isis is considered Saturn’s eldest daughter:
“I am Isis, Queen of this country. I was instructed by Mercury. No one can destroy the laws which I have established. I am the eldest daughter of Saturn, most ancient of the Gods.”
Saturn in Semitic CivilizationsSemitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as “El”. The supreme deity was represented by a black cube. We can find instances of the cube across the world.

Ancient Hebrews represented Saturn with the six pointed star, which later became the Star of David (it also had many other esoteric meanings). The symbol is still found on Israel’s flag.

Saturn in Western Civilizations
The Greeks and the Romans also worshiped Saturn as a cruel deity. Here’s a brief summary of the mythology of Saturn in the western world:
“With the deposing of his father, Saturn became the ruler of the Universe for untold ages and he reigned with his sister, Ops, who also became his wife.It was prophesied that one day Saturn would lose power when one of his children would depose him. To prevent this from happening, each time Ops delivered a child Saturn would immediately swallow it. When her sixth child, Jupiter(Zeus), was born, Ops had him spirited away to the island of Crete. She then wrapped a stone in his swaddling clothes. Her deception was complete when Saturn swallowed it, thinking it was the child. When Jupiter was grown, he secured the job of cup-bearer to his father. With the help of Gaia, his grandmother, Jupiter fed his father a potion that caused him to vomit up Jupiter’s five siblings, Vesta (Hestia), Ceres (Demeter), Juno (Hera), Pluto (Hades), and Neptune (Poseidon).”
-Wikipedia, Saturn (mythology)
Saturn devouring one of his children by Peter Paul Rubens
土星吞噬著他其中一個孩子 由彼得保羅魯本斯

Saturn always had a negative, if not evil significance. In ancient times, it has been called “The Greater Malefic” which was opposed to Jupiter, “The Greater Benefic”. Saturn is esoterically associated with man’s limitations, restrictions, death and decay. His Greek name was “Kronos”, the ruler of time, time being the main factore inevitably leading to the death of mortals.Traditional representations of the “grim reaper” originate from the attributes of the god Saturn, who held the sickle with which he slain his father.

To the initiate, the skeleton of death holding in bony fingers the reaper’s scythe denotes Saturn (Kronos), the father of the gods, carrying the sickle with which he mutilated his own sire.”
“對於新加入者,死亡骨骼以瘦骨嶙峋的手指,拿住收割者的長柄鐮刀代表土星(Kronos),眾神的父親,攜帶的鐮刀,用它他閹割自己的父親/雄性牲畜。”Saturn and Satan 土星與撒旦Saturn has also been associated with Satan and this, for numerous reasons. First, many authors argue that the word Satan is derived from the word Saturn. Second, Saturn is associated with the color black as well as Satan. Third, Ancients considered Saturn to be the farthest planet from the sun , the latter being associated with the principle of Good. (Note that Pluto never was considered a planet). Saturn is consequently the celestial body that is the less exposed to the sun’s divine light and thus associated with the coldness of the principle of Evil. Finally, the “great god Pan”, the horned deity, represented Saturn in ancient paganism. This half-man half-goat creature is considered the ancestor of our modern depictions of Satan.土星亦與撒旦有關,這基於多種原因。首先,許多作者認為撒旦一詞源於土星字詞;第二,土星被與黑顏色聯繫,而撒旦亦是;第三,古人認為土星是距離太陽最遠的星球,後者被與'良好'信條聯繫,(注意冥王星從來沒有被認為是一顆行星)。土星最終是天體,較少暴露在太陽的神聖光線下,和因此被與冷漠的'邪惡'信條聯繫。最後,“偉大的牧羊神Pan”- 有角的神,在古代異教中代表土星;這種半人半羊的生物,被認為是我們現代對撒旦的描繪的祖先。

-Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages“Pan是一個綜合生物,上半部分 - 角例外 - 是人類,及下部份以山羊的形式。 (...)Pan的笛標誌着領域的自然和諧,而神本身是土星的象徵,因為這個星球是即位於摩羯座,它的標誌是一隻山羊“,
-曼利荷,所有年代 的密教
So Pan was depicted with horns due to the fact it represented Saturn, the ruler of the house of Capricorn which symbol is a goat:因此,牧羊神Pan被描繪有角,歸因那事實它代表土星,那摩羯宮的統治者,它的標誌是一隻山羊:

Capricorn - symbol of the Goat rising from the body of a fish
摩羯 - 山羊從魚的身體上升的象徵
摩羯 - 山羊從魚的身體上升的象徵
Pan was the controlling spirit of the lower worlds. He was portrayed roaming through the forests, penis erect, drunk and lascivious, frolicking with nymphs and piping his way through the wild. We might say he ruled the lower nature of man, its animal side, not unlike Satan.
Despite acknowledging its association with Evil, secret societies find the veneration of Saturn necessary to obtain illumination. It is the necessary counterpart of the principle of Good. Masonic authors clearly associate Saturn with Satan:
儘管確認其與邪惡的聯繫,秘密社团發現土星的崇拜必須取得照明。這是'良好'信條的必然複本,共濟會作者清楚地將土星與撒旦聯繫:“Saturn is the opposite to Jupiter; his symbol is the cross above the sign of Luna ( ). He is the Satan, the Tempter, or rather the Tester. His function is to chastise and tame the unruly passions in the primitive man.”
-J.S. Ward, Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods“土星是木星的相反;他的標誌就是月球符號()上面的十字。他就是那撒旦,那誘惑者,或者那測試者。他的職能是責備和馴服原始人的不真實的激情。“
Probably the most extreme example of a secret society worshiping Saturn’s Evil principle is the “Fraternitas Saturni”. This occult organization is based in Germany and openly embodies the hidden side of Saturn worship.
也許崇拜土星的邪惡原則的秘密社团中,最極端的例子是“Fraternitas Saturni”,這神秘組織的總部設在德國和公開體現土星崇拜隱藏的一面。“The Fraternitas Saturni (FS), the Brotherhood of Saturn, has become known to English readers through fragmentary descriptions which emphasize the sensational, sex-magical aspects of this lodge’s work or else its darker, more Satanic, side.This is understandable in light of the fact that the FS is (or was) the most unabashedly Luciferian organization in the modern Western occult revival, and its practice of sexual occultism perhaps the most elaborately detailed of any such lodge. The FS represents a unique blend of astrological cosmology, neo-Gnostic daemonology, sexual occultism, and Freemasonic organizational principles. This grand synthesis was originally the vision of one man, the long-time Grand Master of the FS, Gregor A. Gregorius.”-Stephen E. Flowers, Fire & Ice: The History, Structure, and Rituals of Germany’s Most Influential Modern Magical Order: The Brotherhood of Saturn
To Conclude 結論
This article presented SOME of the ways humanity represented Saturn through the ages. The great amount of symbols associated with this obscure deity only emphasize its importance in human history. The advent of the monotheistic religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam confined the worship of Saturn to occult circles. As we saw here, the Lord of the Rings is still omnipresent in popular culture but only recognized by those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

世界主要宗教崇拜和起源(2010-01-05 22:41:00)http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_53ce321b0100g6m0.html
ao3兄它區提供:When Saturn Ruled the World
十一月的三響炮:Elenin、2005 YU55、土星出生 11-11-11
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