Chile earthquake: tsunami hits New Zealand
The first waves of the tsunami triggered by the earthquake in Chile have hit New Zealand's eastern Chatham Islands and officials have warned bigger waves are to follow.
By Philip Sherwell in New York
Published: 6:25PM GMT 27 Feb 2010
Boaters at the quay in Honolulu loaded up with supplies and sailed their vessels offshore where they would be better able to ride out the waves Photo: AP
在夏威夷碼頭的划船者上貨,和將船隻航行至離岸,在那裡他們將更能渡過大浪 圖片:美聯社
The PTWC issued a tsunami warning, its highest alert, for the entire Pacific region Photo: AP
New Zealand's entire east coast is at risk with waves up to three metres (10 feet) expected to hit the Chatham Islands and Banks Peninsula, near the main South Island city of Christchurch.
"It is expected that the greatest wave heights will occur between six and 12 hours after the initial arrivals," the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management said in a statement.
Residents on the Chatham Islands were moved to higher ground several hours before the first wave struck and residents in low-lying areas of Banks Peninsula had been told to be prepared to evacuate.
The biggest tsunami warning in history was marked by alarm sirens, panic buying and mass evacuations across the Pacific, eastern Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
The Chilean earthquake triggered a tsunami that radiated across the Pacific basin and swamped the island chain that inspired the story of Robinson Crusoe.
The warnings came barely five years after the 2004 Asian tsunami sparked by an underwater quake off Indonesia inundated coastal communities with waves up to 100 ft high, claiming an estimated 230,000 lives.
Chile's Juan Fernandez islands, about 400 miles off the coast, were the first to feel the full force of the tsunami and "serious damage" was reported.
The chain includes Robinson Crusoe island, named after Daniel Defoe's protagonist, and another named after Alexander Selkirk, the Scottish sailor on whose real life experiences the novel is said to be based.
Michelle Bachelet, the Chilean President, said an evacuation of coastal areas on Easter Island, the Chilean territory famous for its monumental statues, was launched as the tsunami approached.
Unlike during the devastating Dec 2004 tsunami, emergency officials across much of the Pacific had several hours to prepare for the impact and arrange evacuations.
"We've got a lot of things going for us," said Charles McCreery, director of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) in Hawaii. "We have a reasonable lead time. We should be able to alert everyone in harm's way to move out of evacuation zones."
In Hawaii, supermarkets were packed during pre-dawn hours as people stripped the shelves of bottled water, basic foodstuffs and other essentials such as water. Cars lined up 15 deep at petrol stations.
Locals and tourists began to evacuate beachfront communities and hotels as the first warning sirens were sounded at 6am local time, five hours before waves of up to six feet were expected to hit.
Boaters at the quay in Honolulu loaded up with supplies and sailed their vessels offshore where they would be better able to ride out the waves rather than risk being battered at shore.
Nervous cruise ship passengers were also assured that while tsunamis can turn into colossal waves near land, their impact out at sea is limited.
The PTWC issued a tsunami warning, its highest alert, for the entire Pacific region, including countries as far away as Russia and Japan.
California and Alaska were issued a separate tsunami advisory.
New Zealand also issued a tsunami alert, warning of a wall of water up to 10 feet high. The National Crisis Management Centre warning said the greatest wave heights were expected between six and 12 hours after the initial arrivals.
Waves up to six ft high struck parts of French Polynesia and residents were warned to remain vigilant as tsunamis can consist of several surges and the first is usually not the strongest.
Several Chilean coastal towns were pounded by waves up to nine feet high during a holiday weekend when many people are on holiday at the beach for the official end of summer.
Residents and tourists on Ecuador's Galapagos archipelago - where Charles Darwin conducted research that led to his theory of evolution - were moved to high ground before unusually strong waves struck the shore.
Dr Brian Baptie, British Geological Survey's Head of Seismology, explained why most of the Pacific region would have time to prepare. "Tsunami waves in the deep ocean travel at about the same speed as a jet plane and would take about 15 hours to reach Hawaii and about 20 hours to reach the other side of the Pacific," he said.
Dr David Rothery of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the Open University, said: "A magnitude 8 quake is a rare event. On average there is only about one of these per year, globally. This one was caused by the floor of the Pacific Ocean being pushed below South America. Because the epicentre was under the sea, the sudden jerking of the sea-floor displaced water and triggered a tsumani."
人民網北京2月28日電 (記者杜博) 27日,國家海洋環境預報中心發布海嘯信息稱,北京時間27日15時49分南美洲智利中部近岸發生的8.6級地震所引發的海嘯對我國大陸沿海無影響。
海嘯是由海底地震、火山爆發、海底滑坡等產生的破壞性海浪。在深海大洋,海嘯波以每小時800 公裡以上的速度傳播,但波高卻隻有幾十厘米或更小。當海嘯波移近岸邊淺水區時,波速會減慢,波高陡增,可形成十數米或更高的水牆。隨著海嘯波向陸移動,由於受海灣、海港或瀉湖等特殊地形的影響,海嘯波的高度會進一步上升。據觀測,大海嘯的波高可達30 米以上。即使波高隻有3至6米的海嘯,也極具破壞力,可造成嚴重傷亡。
2、在家中得知海嘯警告,應立即通知所有家人,遵從事先准備的應急預案,有秩序及安全地撤離到疏散點或撤離至受海 嘯影響區外的安全地方,然后按照當地政府的指示行事。
3、在海灘、入海的河口及鄰近海的地方,感到地面震動,看到海水忽然退卻至海床外露,聽到海嘯如火車行走般的咆哮 聲,或者收到海嘯警報,必須立刻通知各親朋好友,盡快跑往高處。
6、 珊瑚礁和淺水區可能有助於減緩海嘯波的沖擊力,但巨大而危險的海嘯波對這些地方的沿岸居民仍有威脅。在海嘯警 報發出時,遠離所有沿岸低窪地區才是萬全之策。(資料來源:國家海洋環境預報中心網站)