

鬼相片:女孩幻影 - 威爾斯城堡

圖片:女孩幻影 - 威爾斯阿貝爾格萊的Gwrych城堡
Photo: Girl Apparition – Gwrych Castle in Abergele, Wales
Via Phantoms and Monsters
on 15/02/2010 by NW0.eu in Paranormal

newssubmit – A company boss Kevin Horkin was taken pictures at Gwrych Castle in Abergele, North Wales and may have captured a picture of a spirit.
newssubmit - 一家公司的老闆凱文賀堅在北威爾士阿貝爾格萊的Gwrych城堡拍攝照片,可能抓獲了一張精靈的圖片。
Kevin didn’t notice anything unusual until he downloaded the pictures to his PC. In one of the photos was the image of a pale young woman looking out a window.
Amazingly, it’s impossible for anyone to stand at that particular window because the floor in the room is completely destroyed.

North Wales Paranormal group have confirmed that many sightings have been recorded at the castle.

Local history claims that the first castle at Gwrych was built by the Normans in the 12th century. It was seized by the Welsh prince Rhys ap Gruffydd (the Lord Rhys) of Deheubarth in about 1170 who then rebuilt the timber castle in stone. This castle was later destroyed by Cromwell’s army following the English Civil War of the mid-17th century.
本地歷史聲稱,第一個於 Gwrych的城堡是在12世紀由諾曼所建,它被Deheubarth的威爾斯王子格魯菲茲(里斯勳爵)在大約 1170年奪取,他然後將木材城堡重建為石頭城堡。在17世紀中葉隨着英國內戰後,這座城堡後來毀於克倫威爾的軍隊。
The later castle at Gwrych was begun in 1819. The castle is a Grade 1 listed building set in a wooded hillside overlooking the Irish Sea.
Gwrych後來的城堡是始於 1819年,該城堡是一級保護建築,設置在樹木繁茂的山邊,俯瞰愛爾蘭海。


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