

英國貨幣正在邊緣 數週內崩潰

英國貨幣正在邊緣 根據億萬富翁金融家
British currency is on the brink according to billionaire financier
Steve WatsonInfowars.net
Thursday, Feb 25th, 2010

Billionaire financier Jim Rogers has predicted that the British Pound could completely collapse within weeks, sending shockwaves throughout the global economy and heralding the beginning of a downturn that would make the recent economic crisis look tame in comparison.
“Other currencies aren’t strong and the Euro has real problems, with cracks much wider than Greece beginning to show,” Rogers said.
“But it’s the Pound that’s most vulnerable. In real terms, it’s already devalued against virtually every currency barring the Zimbabwean dollar and it’s especially exposed over the weeks running up to the UK election. In a basket of currencies, the Pound is potentially a basket case. And that will put Britain in an extremely bad position for the shakedown.”

“The last few months have seen a ‘false bounce’, shorn up by massive short-term injections of government underwriting,” Rogers, the former business partner of George Soros, said.

“But it can’t last. We’ve been applying temporary sticking plasters, not long-term cures. Later this year we’ll see the start of the real recession, with more Lehman-scale disasters and a fallout which won’t stop until the underlying malaise is genuinely cured.” he added.

Rogers was quoted in a press release ahead of a keynote appearance at next month’s Global Trading Day seminar in Westminster along with investment advisor Dr Marc Faber and British trader Vince Stanzione.

The British economy is facing a “double dip” after January figures put the idea of a recovery firmly on the backburner.

Rogers’ sentiments echo those of Swiss Bank UBS, which this week speculated that there could be a run on the pound if the government too aggressively tackles Britain’s huge deficit, projected to reach £178bn this year.

Last week, Sterling hit a nine month low against the dollar, falling to $1.05, and slumping beyond parity for the first time against the euro.

An announcement yesterday by Mervyn King, the Governor of the Bank of England, that the bank was ready to print more money and “do whatever seems appropriate”, sent the currency sinking once more.

Sterling fell sharply, from $1.5529 at 9.13am, just before King began speaking, to $1.5398 at 10.30am, when he finished giving evidence to MPs.

The stark downturn has led Jim Rogers and Marc Faber to predict a currency crash foreshadowing a full scale global “shakedown”.

英上調GDP增長幅度 未挽英鎊跌勢
(明報)2010年2月27日 星期六 05:10
【明報專訊】英國 政府昨公布新修訂的去年第4季GDP增長數字,將增長率由原先的0.1%,上調至0.3%,確認英國走出衰退,去年最後3個月的增長速度也較預期快,對5月爭取大選報捷的首相白高敦 ,算是好消息。不過英鎊匯價跌勢持續,兌美元 最多跌逾0.6%,曾跌見1.519水平,為去年5月以來最低。

歐元近期跌勢令市場矚目,不過英鎊匯率的走勢卻教人愈來愈擔心,因其跌幅已超過了歐元。今年為止,英鎊兌美元已下跌6%,但歐元跌幅只為5.2%。英國去年財赤達到GDP的11.8%,估計今年將升至12.5%,達至近乎希臘 目前的水平。雖然英國昨表示,去年第4季增長速度較原先估計快,但當局的新數據亦顯示,之前長達18個月的衰退,嚴重程度比早前想像的更厲害,估計衰退期間GDP減少了6.2%,比最初估算的6%更嚴重,是50年來最嚴重衰退。




減赤過急 英鎊美元「恐見一算」
英國傳媒昨便一度聲稱,美國 著名投資者、商品大王羅杰斯(Jim Rogers)周四警告,英鎊可能在「數以周計」的短期內崩潰,並可能於今年底前引發遠遠嚴重過2008/09年的全球經濟寒冬,消息一度令英鎊跌勢加劇,但羅杰斯昨晚高調否認有說過英鎊將短期內崩潰,又強調沒有做任何英鎊好倉或淡倉。
