


You can beat Swine Flu and Pnuemonia
Topic started on 1-11-2009 @ 01:51 AM
by randyvs

+4 more
for original
more infoNo

vaccines definetly

I should probly have already done this to show I mean what I'm saying .I been running to all the other threads about the flu posting this like an idiot. I finally thought," what the hell am i doing? Just make a thread they will either listen or not.

Right now I have 1/2 an onion in a bowl with some water, that I cut up the day our boy came back from his cousins house with the flu. It was bad when he got here. He'd been dry heaving this bright yellow biel looking fluid up. Immediatly he made the couch and I set a bucket down beside him. Joshua is seven yrs of age.
His mom being at work (Ralphs) I called her up and said," hey he has it,BAD".
"Ok what do we do"?
"You bring the large white onions , I'll do the rest".

Now it's flashback time. I'm talking forty two yrs of flashing back. To a time when in Chino Ca. there was an eight year old boy, who as far as I can remember, must have been close to death, on a cot in the kitchen of his mother and fathers house on Riverside Dr.
My Mom put me in the kitchen cause she was wearing out the carpet going back and forth to my room I guess. I had pnuemonia, and I can remember my hands my head and my lungs all felt like baloons. Pink Floyd? Every time I hear it. My back and sides hurt so bad from coughing, this being as I remember it the tenth day I stayed home from school.
No medical in our life at that time. So this was like the worst thing could have happened. .My Mom had been trying everything she could, but I wasn't going to shake this crap. It's grip was just to tight. I remember the call she made to her Mom back in St. Joe. Missouri. Though I was barely conscious. I remember the tears were flowing down her face and my Dad at the kitchen table, with his head in his hands. I knew when I got older I must have been in trouble because my Mom was a very stern and tough country gal from the heartland.Took a lot to bring her to tears. When she got off the phone she said," I'm going to the store" as she grabbed her purse and flew out the door.
I don't remember anything after that until the next morning, I woke up and the whole place smelled like onions.
My Mom had a humidifier under the cot steaming with cut up onions in it.I didn't know what time it was but everyone in the house was asleep and I was starving. I grabbed a box of cereal out of a cupboard, turned around, and there was my Mom standing there crying. I guess it really took a toll on her cause she said in this low voice ,"You get your azz back on that cot at least for the rest of the day".
I could have probly went out side that day.But I agreed still being exhausted. The call she made to her Mom, resulting in an old remedy she barely remembered her Mom using, when she was a kid, got me out of a bad way fast. Lets end the flashback here, what do you say?
So the boy had fallen asleep on the couch and that's where he was when she got home with the onions. I cut up 1/2 a white onion in a bowl added water sat in the living room with Josh. He woke up two hours later like nothing ever happened.
My wife was astonished. So now the bowl, the Onions in the water are accepted .
Nobody in this house is sick. Period. And nobody will be. I've sworn by this my whole life and it hasn't failed once. Just wanted to share.

