EVACUATE NOW!: This is Not a Drill
August 15, 2010
posted by Bob Nichols ·

路透社/丹尼斯Sinyakov - 森林火災打擊地區自1986年切爾諾貝利災難後仍然是放射性的
(San Francisco) – Russia is burning down this summer. The smoke is engulfing Moscow and the European Union. Embassies are emptying.
(舊金山) - 俄羅斯在今年夏天燒毀,煙霧籠罩莫斯科和歐洲聯盟,大使館是空的。
What’s the deal?
Thousands of forest fires are burning all over Russia. More importantly, the nuclear weapons factories and reactors around Mayak and the former Soviet Union’s Uranium Project are going up in smoke. The smoke is toxic and radioactive in every possible sense of the words.
Russian forest fires are burning down old H-Bomb factory areas and the Chernobyl poisoned woodlands. This holds the virtual certainty of at least 241,000,000 Lethal Doses of radioactivity becoming air borne during a fire. Due to peculiar nuclear forces the tiny ceramicized radioactive particles stay in the air for months
or even years till they are “rained out” by some form of precipitation.
Snowflake edges are particularly good scavengers of radioactive particles.
Two US Air Force C130s just flew into Moscow. Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab, or one of the seven other nuclear weapons labs in the US, are more than likely involved.
兩名美國空軍 C130s剛剛飛抵莫斯科,利弗莫爾核武器實驗室,或7個其它在美國的核武器實驗室一個,更有可能涉及。
Ask yourself this. What on earth could
have scared the Russian nuke forces enough to call in their old hated Cold War foe – the US Air Force – for help?
能嚇怕俄羅斯核彈的力量,足以去請來他們的舊恨冷戰敵人 - 美國空軍 - 為尋求幫助?
There is a simple way to let the people of the world know what is going on with airborne Chernobyl and Mayak data. We paid for all the data, anyway, whether Russian, American or European Union Data.
Free the Data. Release it to the InterNet all over the world and let people decide for themselves which country is safe enough for their families to live in.
If you are planning a trip to Europe or Russia – don’t go. If you are already there – leave immediately. If you have family or friends there – get them out if you can. This is not a drill. It is the real deal.
如果您正計劃前往歐洲或俄國 - 不要去。如果您已經在那裡 - 立即離開。如果你有家人或朋友在那裡 - 令他們走如果你能。這不是演習,它是真正的方案。
Another way to look at the Mayak national sacrifice zone in Russia is that the old Soviet Union manufactured 30,000 global thermonuclear weapons. There were numerous “accidents” at Mayak that weren’t supposed to happen and “officially” never did happen. The government lied, of course.

The 1,000 sq km around the Mayak bomb factory is one of the most contaminated areas on Earth because the Mayak Uranium Project manufactured the most poisonous substances on Earth for the most lethal weapons on Earth.
Manufacturing thermonuclear weapons is a really nasty business. As far as Weapons of Mass Destruction goes, there are the real McCoy.
As of 8/15/2010 all personnel in Russia and the European Union are advised to evacuate immediately. I repeat. This is not a drill. If you can’t leave, get your kids out. It may be too late already.