Giant Statues at Rochester National Airport
Rochester, NY and the gateway to High Falls
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
In this post I'm continuing the series exhibiting the dominion of the ancient gods over Rochester, NY, where the featured gateway to High Falls is found to have something of a companion. As I was leaving Rochester for California, what had been something of a research expedition exploring and documenting the local occult imagery got a little closing punctuation at the Greater Rochester International Airport (ROC). Here's more show-and-tell that should put a big exclamation mark on what I've already presented!
After passing through the security checkpoints you enter a secure terminal "Observatory Area" that leads to the departure gates. There, you encounter the expected kinds of food/retail concessions and a variety of exhibits. If you've been following this blog, there's one in particular you might find rather shocking, but yet not entirely unexpected!
As you walk toward the Susan B. Anthony Concourse B departure gates you pass a semi-enclosed circular area on your left that has some bench seating. Because this circular area is in the middle of the Concourse access like a roundabout, visitors generally will pass it on the left on arrival, too.
(Extra credit - check out the street sign symbols for roundabouts!)
(額外分 - 檢查迴旋處的街頭標誌符號!)
The central feature of this exhibit / meditation zone is a reflecting pool with big statues inside. According to the engraving on the marble ledge of the pool, it's titled, "The Council" (1991) by Bill Stewart. Upon seeing this, one word comes to my mind - NEPHILIM.
這次展出/冥想區的中央特徵是一個反映池裡面的大雕像。據雕刻在池的大理石窗台,它的標題為比爾斯圖爾特的“理事會”(1991)。見這,一個字在我腦海中出現 - 巨人。 An inscription on the ledge reads:
This is identified as an Eskimo Hunting Song.
Nephilim! The legends and artifacts of the Eskimo agree with those of every other pagan culture and bear witness to the hybridization described in Genesis chapter 6, when the sons of god mated with the daughters of men and produced giants. These gods were often pictured as human/animal composites.
"The Council" is a collection of six (the number of man) demi-god giants inside a reflecting pool, arranged to form a hexagram or pair of deltas and inscribed within a doubled circle. This symbol is commonly known as the seal of Solomon, used by witches to invoke demonic entities and cast magick spells. Why would such a thing be placed where everyone flying in and out of Rochester on a domestic flight passes by? I submit to you that the reason is because it truly is a ritual magick gateway like unto the one located at the access to High Falls. The ritual magick here compares to that of the High Falls gateway as a work appointed to prepare for the coming Beast and his mark. When you look at the beasts in the water, think about Revelation 13:1, where John testified about seeing a Beast rising out of the sea.
In this image on the left, notice the delta symbols marking the beast on the left. The big one drawn on its back is a downward pointing earthly-daughters-of-men symbol. The one on the back of its head is upward pointing, signaling the divine sons of god. That one has rays radiating outward identifying it as the ubiquitous capstone on the pyramid. The head-capstone of the body-pyramid represents the Beast as head of his kingdom. In this image on the right, the giant beast on the right wears the heavenly-sons-of-god delta on his back.
In this image on the left is another heavenly-sons-of-god delta drawn on a - what? This is a form of what's known as a Herma, or when plural, Hermai.
"Hermai were boundary or mile-stones, carved with the head and phallus of Hermes. They were rural markers which were also supposed to ensure the fertility of the herds and flocks and bring luck. Hermai were erected at boundaries, crossroads and in gymnasia." Hermes Cult - THE HERMAI (BOUNDARY STONES)
See also Herma - Wikipedia or here (* graphic images) The image on the right pictures him with what looks like a birdhouse on top, alluding to the winged cap and also suggesting how Hermes is, like a typical birdhouse, lifted high above the earth. This idol is the tallest of the six, so, like the idol of Hermes ruling over the city of Rochester from atop the Aqueduct Building, the phallic god appears in the context of "The Council" likewise exalted in height.
Such a Herma found along the travelers' path would have been a very familiar site in Greece. Consider the scene. The herds and flocks are herded by Hermes' magick wand, which Apollo had used to herd his own flocks but gave to Hermes in exchange for his lyre. The travelers as livestock are herded past the Herma marking this major city boundary that is the Concourse B, Greater Rochester International Airport. According to the historical testimony, this ensures the fertility of the herds and flocks. This is the nature of the "welcome gift" and "parting gift" I referred to previously. You can interpret the "good luck" as the curse of the fallen angel gods that tags unwitting travelers as fertile livestock for prolific breeding. Have I mentioned the mark of the Beast lately?
The positioning of such a Herma at the crossroads is something Bob Dylan (video) and Robert Johnson would surely understand, given how it's code for "meeting the devil and selling your soul." In the image on left, the left side of the god's phallus shaft has a hand drawn in, an apparent allusion to the practice of masterbation that was taught by his son (and similar phallic god) Pan to the shepherds.
Just to make sure we don't miss Herme's identity, a very obvious hare appears in relief. (Below Right)
From Hermes Estate - (2) SACRED PLANTS & ANIMALS:
"HARE: SACRED ANIMAL The hare was sacred to Hermes because of its proliferacy. He placed the animal amongst the stars as the constellation Lepus."
IV. HARE (Greek "lagos")
"Hare [constellation Lepus]. Some say that it was put there by Mercurius, and that it had been given the faculty, beyond other kinds of quadrapeds, of being pregnant with new offspring when giving birth to others."
Hyginus, Astronomica 2.33 The hare certainly gives some emphasis to the fertility "blessing" of the Herma, adding another layer of symbolism and degree of enhancement to the charm.
These features make it pretty obvious what's going on here. Given how signs that this region is Hermes' domain are so evident elsewhere, finding artifacts signaling the presence of this winged god of travelers at the airport is not unexpected.
While plenty of convincing evidence of his presence and scheme at the airport has now been presented, there's more to be revealed, and, Lord willing, I'll follow this up with another post!
一個 26呎高的阿努比斯銅像安裝在丹佛國際機場