他們的力量躺在神祕主義和經濟方面 - 當然金錢是創造力量。他們擁有所有國際銀行,石油生意,最有力的工業和貿易生意,他們滲透在政治上,他們擁有大部分的政府 - 他們至低限度有能力控制他們。一個例子是美國總統選舉。這是沒有秘密的,候選人得到大多數的贊助者金錢的贊助而贏得選舉,這樣給他們有能力不創造反對的候選人。 那麼是誰贊助「正確」的候選人?當然是光明會。有時他們贊助者兩面的候選人作為選舉用途。他們決定誰將會是下一任總統,他們會觀察贏得選舉的人。大多數的總統選舉以毒品的金錢贊助,毒品金錢是可以理解的如果你知道光明會經營毒品工業。一個例子是克林頓.比爾,克林頓自他的少年時期已經被他們訓練,這樣好好預備他的「任務」當他接管總統職位的時候。
光明會的目標是甚麼?牠們的目標是創造一個世界政府和新世界秩序,牠們與居首位的人統治世界,把世界變成奴隸的狀態和法西斯主義!這是非常古老的目標,實際上要完全了解它的話,人們必須了解這個計劃不是在一生的時間可達成的 - 這個計劃進行了數世紀。
想像它是一件毛骨悚然的事,事實上這個行星以黑巫術運作 - 在地球上,巫術是不應該以任何形態存在,如果某人告訴你地球真的以黑巫術運作,他將會很可能會被認定為荒謬的人。在這個神秘的「科學」,是思想控制和已經發展的智能。藉由接管電影工業,那些唱片公司和他們精細藝術的控制,他們知道怎樣以他們自己的歌曲跳舞從而影響那些青少年,並接受他們真實的類型。這是合理的,如果你觀察我們被強迫享受某種類的「娛樂」。所有大主人去了哪裏呢?
我已告訴你操控光明會那一班高等級的人是十三個富有的家族。他們是非常秘密的,在長久的時間裏,他們的領袖一個接一個地離世。然而,沒有秘密能夠永遠地被保存的,遲早那些秘密將會洩漏,所以這個情況也是一樣。不是很多人知道這些家族的真實人物,藉由已經離開那個光明會主義者教團的人揭示最不平常的資料,最近是可以知道這個秘密的。在這裏是13個家族的名字- 這些家族由魔鬼路西弗所建立
Van Duyn
[Merovingian] (歐洲皇家)
這秘密社團被光明會控制,它擁有秘密的開始等級。在共濟會,你不能只是在那裏散步如果你想成為會員的話 - 你必須至少被兩個已是會員的人提議。想加入共濟會的人會被人檢查,才可以加入共濟會。如果只有會議裏的一個人說他沒有加入共濟會的資格,被提議的人將不會允許他加入。這樣任何人能夠看見他們是小心地觀察那些人是否有任何的利用價值,從而挑選一些人。
為了創造正面的前線目的,兄弟是非常熱心招攬好人 - 兄弟希望招攬有穩定的名氣的人,他們會向想加入的人說一些好的東西,當必需的時候甚至作出辨護。那些人愈少知道真實的計劃,那麼就愈多的信任性對共濟會良好的辯護上。
在1922年,路西弗基金會在倫敦建立,但是後來改變它的名字為Luci's Trust,先前的名字是太明顯。這基金會是非政治性並且官方地給聯合國承認。它也是神智學社團的一個延伸。Luci's Trust被他們當中的一班人所贊助,他們是撒但主義者羅勃特.McNamara,前美國國防部長,世界銀行行長,Rockefeller Foundation會員,和湯姆斯.Watson(IBM,前莫斯科大使)。Luci's Trust的贊助者是當中下列的前線組織:聯合國、國際綠色和平、美國綠色和平、Amnesty Int、UNICEF。Luci's Trust推有它唯一的「宗教性」禮拜堂 - 暸解聖殿,這是撒但主義者崇拜的地方,這座暸解聖殿位於美國紐約的聯合國總部。
Lucis Trust for A One World Religion 露絲時基金支持世界一宗教
The Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the UN. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. The title page of Alice Bailey's book, 'Initiation, Human and Solar' was originally printed in 1922, and clearly shows the publishing house as 'Lucifer Publishing CoIn 1923. Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly. '啟動,人權和太陽能'原是在1922年印行,和清楚地顯示出版社為1923路西弗(註:撒旦)出版公司。愛麗絲貝利將路西弗基金易名露絲時基金,因為路西弗基金會太清楚地揭出新紀元運動的本質。(Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 49). A quick trip to any New Age bookstore will reveal that many of the hard-core New Age books are published by Lucis Trust.At one time, the Lucis Trust office in New York was located at 866 United Nations Plaza and is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations under a slick program called "World Goodwill". In an Alice Bailey book called "Education for a New Age"; she suggests that in the new age"World Citizenship should be the goal of the enlightened, with a world federation and a world brain." In other words - a One World Government New World Order.
Lucis Trust is sponsored by among others Robert McNamara, former minister of Defence in the USA, president of the World Bank, member of theRockefeller Foundation, and Thomas Watson (IBM, former ambassador in Moscow).Luci's Trust sponsors among others the following organizations: UN, Greenpeace Int., Greenpeace USA, Amnesty Int. and UNICEF.露絲時基金的其他贊助是羅伯特麥林馬拉(前美國國防部長),世界銀行總裁,洛克菲勒(註:光明會家族)基金會成員,湯馬斯屈臣(IBM公司,前駐莫斯科大使)。 露絲時基金贊助其它以下組織:聯合國,綠色和平組織,美國綠色和平組織,Amensty Int.,和聯合國兒童基金會。
The United Nations has long been one of the foremost world harbingers for the "New Spirituality" and the gathering "New World Order" based on ancient occult and freemasonic principles. Seven years after the birth of the UN, a book was published by the theosophist and founder of the Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, claiming that "Evidence of the growth of the human intellect along the needed receptive lines [for the preparation of the New Age] can be seen in the "planning" of various nations and in the efforts of the United Nations to formulate a world plan... From the very start of this unfoldment, three occult factors have governed the development of all these plans". [Alice B. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age (Lucis Press, 1955), Vol. II, p.35.]
Although she did not spell out clearly the identity of these 'three occult factors', she did reveal to her students that "Within the United Nations is the germ and seed of a great international and meditating, reflective group - a group of thinking and informed men and women in whose hands lies the destiny of humanity. This is largely under the control of many fourth ray disciples, if you could but realise it, and their point of meditative focus is the intuitional or Buddhic plane - the plane upon which all hierarchical activity istoday to be found'. [Ibid. p.220.]
To this end, the Lucis Trust, under the leadership of Foster and Alice Bailey, started a group called 'World Goodwill' - an official non-governmental organization within the United Nations. The stated aim of this group is "to cooperate in the world of preparationfor the reappearance of the Christ" [One Earth, the magazine of the Findhorn Foundation, October/November 1986, Vol. 6, Issue 6, p.24.]
But the esoteric work inside the UN does not stop with such recognized occult groupings. Much of the impetus for this process was initiated through the officershipof two Secretary-Generals of the UN, Dag Hammarskjöld (held office: 1953-1961) and U Thant (held office: 1961-1971) who succeeded him, and one Assistant Secretary-general, Dr. Robert Muller. In a book written to celebrate the philosophy of Teilhard de Chardin (and edited by Robert Muller), it is revealed "Dag Hammarskjöld, the rational Nordic economist, had ended up as a mystic. He too held at the end of his life that spirituality was the ultimate key to our earthly fate in time and space". [Robert Muller (ed.), The Desire to be Human: A Global Reconnaissance of Human Perspectives in an Ageof Transformation (Miranana, 1983), p.304.]
Sri Chinmoy, the New Age guru, meditation leader at the UN, wrote: "the United Nations is the chosen instrument of God; to be a chosen instrument means to be a divine messenger carrying the banner of God's inner vision and outer manifestation.
"WilliamJasper, author of "A New World Religion" describes the religion of the UN: "...a weird and diabolical convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism atheism, communism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism".
The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are Knights of Malta under the Pope's Order. They have their Masters.
There's a Fake NWO that they want everybody to believe to accept later the New Age Order.The ycreate the problem and present the Solution, the Third Way. It's anOLD trick. Read The Art of War. It's all controlled opposition like the"Truth Movement". They NEED controlled exposure to further the GreatWork, the Magnus Opus. It's ALL mind-control.
New Age 真理運動的路西弗教徒滲透
超然存在 4-9集 New Age騙局
超然存在 15-17集 巨大的UFO更新和New Age騙局