更正:活躍--冰島火山Krisuvik--今天800+次地震..哇! 自1340年以來沒有爆發!
Iceland hit by 400 earthquakes in 24 hour, Krisuvik volcano show activity
By eye– February 27, 2011
Posted in: Earth changes, Seismic activities, Volcanoes
Translation by Autumnson Blog
After four days of continues earthquake activity it appears that Krísuvík volcano has stepped up it’s activity by a order of magnitude. Since midnight there have been over 400 earthquakes in Krísuvík volcano. The activity is continuing when this is written and does not show any signs of slowing down at this moment. Geologist in Iceland are expecting more earthquakes in this area over the next hours and even earthquakes that are larger then ML3.0 in size.
在連續四天的地震活動後,看來 Krísuvík火山已由一個數量級加強它的活動,自午夜Krísuvík火山已經有超過400次地震,活動仍在繼續當寫這時及在這刻沒有顯示任何放緩跡象。冰島的地質學家預期在未來幾小時在這區有更多的地震,和甚至較大於ML3.0級的地震。

The largest earthquakes where ML3.3 and ML3.7 in size. This is automatic size by the SIL system. The depth of the earthquakes was 4.7 km and 1.1 km according to the automatic SIL system. Due to high number of earthquakes the SIL system is putting earthquakes down all around the Reykjanes Peninsula. While there might be some earthquakes there, the number is not nearly as high as can be seen on the map. The earthquakes can be located by there low quality number.
Given the location and how this earthquake swarm is behaving by opinion of jonfr.com (Iceland volcano and earthquake blog) that this is due to a magma is pushing up the crust in this area. It remains a question of this is going to start a eruption or not. But the chances are growing for as long as this earthquake pattern holds up in Krísuvík volcano. If a eruption starts in Krísuvík volcano it is going to one of Hawaii type eruption, unless it is under water then it is going to be explosive for as long there is water getting into the crater. Last time there was a eruption in this area a 25 km long eruption fissure did form.

For now however all that can be done is to wait and see what happens. This earthquake swarm is going to continue for the next few hours and even days. The largest earthquakes can be seen on jonfr geophone sensors.

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