Thousands Rally in Australia to Demonstrate Against Carbon Tax
By John O'Sullivan
Published Mar 23, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Adam Carr
A concerted Australian grassroots campaign holds rallies in six major cities to protest the imposition of climate change taxes and demand new election.
Thousands of protestors are challenging Prime Minister, Julia Gillard's, “undemocratic” climate policies demanding either an immediate election or that her government drops all such proposals. They say imposing the taxes would be a betrayal of democratic principles because Gillard was elected with no mandate to raise any such taxes.
Speaking at the event will be leading MPs and scientists opposed to climate taxes. In response one Government Minister (Albanese) labeled the rally participants as 'ratbags.'
A press release by organizer, Viv Forbes, Chairman of the Carbon Sense Coalition (March 23, 2011) announces that 22 diverse associations representing tens of thousands of Aussies will put the Gillard government’s environmental tax policies to the test. The Carbon Sense Coalition claims “thousands of Australians all over the country have signed a letter to Prime Minister Julia Gillard opposing the carbon tax.”
Skeptics say the government is wrongly basing its decisions on the discredited science of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
ClimateTaxes Will Achieve Little or No Impact
Forbes adds:
"This tax on carbon dioxide will have no effect whatsoever on global climate, little effect on the production of carbon dioxide but a large effect on the cost of living and job prospects for Australians. This is merely a wealth redistribution scheme where most of the wealth will be consumed on compliance, regulation, red tape, subsidies and price supports for the Climate Change Industry."
Protesters say any such tax would hurt the Australian economy and gravely impact families, imposing an additional $300 a year on household energy bills. Australia produces only one percent of global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and, based on IPCC calculations, such a tax levied for 50 years will reduce global temperatures by an indiscernible 0.015 degrees centigrade and 2mm rise in sea levels.
Negative public opinion polls also appear to be linked to the growing number of embarrassing revelations undermining the credibility of the IPCC for using dubious non-peer reviewed findings.
Disillusionment in the greenhouse gas theory of climate change is increasing among independent non-government funded scientists. Carbon dioxide is a so-called greenhouse gas and comprises just 0.04 percent of the atmosphere. Environmentalists and leaders of some the world’s wealthiest nations championed the greenhouse gas theory as a promising vehicle for cap and trade green taxes.
No Discernible Human Influence on Climate
Aussie climate skeptics such as Malcolm Roberts, have been at the forefront of promoting science that discredits the IPCC claims. Roberts published his own lucid rebuttal of the man-made global warming theory with, 'Two Dead Elephants in Parliament.'
Roberts drew attention to the IPCC's Table 2.11 (2007) that reveals by the IPCC’s own admission, it has ‘low’ or ‘very low’ understanding of 80 percent of all factors impacting climate.
In their Third Report the IPCC claimed that as CO2 levels increased then global temperatures would increase. However, since 1998, despite unending rises in atmospheric CO2, global temperatures have fallen.
On such evidence, along with other arguments, the protesters say there is no compelling reason to show human emissions of carbon dioxide is causing any climate change. Thus the imposition of climate taxes is both scientifically unjustified and impacts negatively on economic freedom.
Wide Cross Section of Society Against the New Tax
Organizers claim these are gatherings of Australian citizens with a peaceful demonstration message. There are no projected figures of the expected turnout but interest has been considerable according to the Consumers and Taxpayers Association. They say they had over 100,000 hits on their website within the two weeks leading up to the rally.
The cities involved in the ‘No Carbon Tax’ protest are Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. The six rallies are expected to comprise many representatives of diverse groups including “Young Australians, Working Families, Students, Workers, Small Business Owners and Senior Citizens.”