Will Jerusalem fall in 2012?
Does a high budget Hollywood film predict the end?
Jay Weidner
Copyright 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Every conspiracy theorist worth his salt discusses the idea that Hollywood is run by the Illuminati and that the films produced by Hollywood are designed to create a cultural effect. This cultural effect is one that is desired by the Illuminati and that is why they fund these film projects. The theory is that the bigger the budget of the film the more likely that the film is actually just a propaganda tool.
Having once been part of the Hollywood scene I can attest to the many stories and rumors I heard about the group that controls Hollywood.
After I began deconstructing the films of Stanley Kubrick (See my new film Kubrick's Odyssey) I could see that one of the things that he was attempting to convey is this notion that a group of men control all of Hollywood's films and that each film is designed to have a propaganda effect on the viewer. When I go to see a Hollywood film today I usually spend the first fifteen minutes or so of the film trying to figure out what point of view, what piece of propaganda or agenda the film was designed to convey.
With this in mind let us now turn our discussion to one of these big budget Hollywood films. The film I am about to discuss is one of the more interesting products that Hollywood has produced in the 21st century. The film is called Kingdom of Heaven. It starred Orlando Bloom as the fictionalized version of Bailian of Ibelin, the last Christian leader of Jerusalem. The film came out in 2005 and was directed by the best living film director today Ridley Scott. The plot of Kingdom of Heaven concerns the travails of Bailian as he travels from France to Jerusalem. He joins the Knights Hospitalers and the Templars are the bad guys in the film. The film's bad guy is Reynald de Chatillion played with obvious glee by Brendan Gleeson.
考慮到這一點,讓我們現在轉我們的討論往其中一部大預算的荷里活電影。我現在正要討論的電影是其中一部荷里活已在21世紀製作的更有趣產品,這部電影被稱為天國。奧蘭多布魯姆主演虛構版本的伊巴連白蓮,耶路撒冷的最後基督教領袖。電影在2005年出現及由今天的最好生活電影導演雷德利斯科特所導演。天國的情節關注在白蓮的艱辛,因為他從法國旅行到耶路撒冷。他加入了護士騎士團和聖殿騎士在電影都是壞人。電影的壞人 是韋尼奧德Chatillion與有明顯喜悅的Brendan格里森所飾演。
Bailian thinks that Jerusalem should be a city where all three religions practice their faith. He doesn't think that just the Christians should possess the city but that it should be a spiritual center for all three western religions. The film is anti-Catholic and some reviewers thought that Al Qaida had scripted it because of its apparent pro-Arab view. It is true that the Arab military leader Saladin is treated with a great deal of respect in the movie while the invading Christians are shown as barbaric and cruel.
A cursory examination of the propaganda purposes of Kingdom of Heaven is not easy to discern. The pro Islam nature of this big budget film would seem to fly in the face of the idea that Hollywood is run by pro-Israeli forces. Why would they fund a film that not only shows the Arabs conquering Israel and Jerusalem but making the crusading Christians into the bad guys? What purpose would this piece of propaganda serve?
It is well known that one of the main tenets of Freemasonry is the desire to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. Freemasons also convey a desire that all three western religions be able to worship in Jerusalem. Therefore, the film Kingdom of Heaven accurately touts the Freemasonic line about Jerusalem. This also echoes the international community's desire for Jerusalem as well. The two forces that do not wish Jerusalem to become an international city are the present occupiers of Israel and the fundamentalist Christian supporters in the US.
If all big budget Hollywood films are really just propaganda for the elites who rule the world what is the purpose of the film Kingdom of Heaven? The film appears to be getting us ready to accept the fact that forces of transition have always overrun Jerusalem. It is also telling us that all three religions have a stake in Jerusalem and that non-Arabs should realize that Jerusalem is surrounded by millions of Arabs who have the right to take Jerusalem. The film shows the Muslims as humane and dignified as it also shows the majority of Christians as cowardly and cruel. The only Europeans with any dignity in the film are all anti-religion or at least ant-Christian.
Why would the movers and shakers of the world fund a film that presents this viewpoint? We will get to the reasons in a moment but for now let us accept that all of this is true and that Kingdom of Heaven is a propaganda piece trying to soften us up mentally for a fall of Jerusalem and a re-conquest by Islam.
These same elites decide to fund a film a few years before they are to enact their plan. It is a pre-scripted story to bring forth a specific result in our collective consciousness. . Have you ever been touched by a film? Think about how this magical combination of light, sound, and story moves you, makes you laugh or cry, fearful or elated. We all have experienced the power of the medium to affect our belief systems. Kingdom Of Heaven, like most films is designed to get us used to something, to alter our perception.
這些同樣的精英幾年前決定資助一部電影,在他們制定他們的計劃之前。它是一個預先劇本的故事,在我們的集體意識中帶來一個特定的結果 。你曾經有否被電影感動?想想這神奇的光、聲、和故事的組合如何感動你,使你笑使你哭、恐懼或興奮。我們全都已經歷媒介的力量影響我們的信仰系統。像大部份電影設計去使我們習慣一些東西,天國會改變我們的觀念。
These elites then give the go ahead to the project and the makers of the film know from the beginning what they are doing and what the film is intended to propagandize. In the case of Kingdom of Heaven, Ridley Scott was given the go ahead to make this high budget film. Some may say that Ridley Scott could have made the film without knowing that the elites had a propaganda purpose. This could be true but what if it isn't? What if Ridley Scott knew that film he was making was just a propaganda effort?
Ridley Scott is one hell of a filmmaker. His attention to detail, his cinematography and acting are all first rate. I never miss a Ridley Scott film. Knowing people who have worked with Ridley it can be said that he is the most detail oriented filmmaker alive today. He is, in a sense, a filmmaker's filmmaker.
It is with this knowledge that I present the following evidence from the film Kingdom of Heaven.
The scene takes place approximately 38 minutes into the studio-released version of the film. It features a scene between Bailian (played by Orlando Bloom) and Father Baron Godfrey. In the scene they discuss Jerusalem, it's history and how the enemies of the Christians surround it. An interesting scene to be sure but what is down right astounding about this scene in the movie is that Orlando Bloom has a carefully contrived set of numbers drawn on his forehead by the make up artist. The scene goes on for almost five minutes and so there cannot be a mistake. With Ridley Scott's penchant for detail there is no way that he would NOT have seen the numbers on Orlando Blooms forehead.


This is a still image of Orlando Bloom in the scene. The numbers are clear. There is no way around the fact that they are there on his forehead. It was done on purpose and Ridley Scott has to be the one who authorized the make up artist to do this.
The elites are using the film for propaganda. They want us to get used to the idea that Arabs surround Jerusalem and that it's fall is inevitable. They also want us to come to believe that Jerusalem should be shared by all three religions. This of course flies in the face of current Israeli policy which states that they will never give up Jerusalem and in fact are moving the Palestinians out of east Jerusalem and giving the houses to Israelis. Any prospect for an international city of Jerusalem where all three religions can worship freely certainly does not fit into what the current occupiers have in mind.
But things can change quickly, especially in the Middle East.
Going way out on a limb here I will make a prediction based on the film Kingdom of Heaven and my own knowledge of the way Hollywood works. I predict that Jerusalem will fall in 2012. I say this because of the numbers carved into Orlando Bloom's forehead by Ridley Scott and his make up artist. I believe that Kingdom of Heaven is designed to soften us up mentally for this idea. I believe that Ridley Scott knows all of this and he instructed the make up artist to put the date (remember 2012 was 8 years in the future) on the lead actors forehead.
我將作出一項預測建基於電影天國和我自己對荷里活工作的知識,我預測耶路撒冷將在2012年倒下。我說這是因為刻在奧蘭多布魯姆額頭上的數字,是由雷德利斯科特和他的化妝師做的。我相信天國是設計來精神上軟化我們對這種想法,我相信雷德利斯科特知道這一切,及他指示化妝師把日期(記住 2012年是 未來的8年)放在主角們的額頭上。
In Part Two of this article which will come later I will explain the startling truth behind the reasons for the making of Kingdom of Heaven and why forces with our world are working to insure and subtly persuade us that Islam will be the next "world" religion.
Called by Wired Magazine an "erudite conspiracy hunter", Jay Weidner is a renowned author and filmmaker. He is the director of the recently released documentary film, Kubrick's Odyssey: Secrets Hidden in the Films of Stanley Kubrick, as well as Infinity: The Ultimate Trip and many more. In addition, he is the producer of the documentary films, 2012 The Odyssey, and its sequel,Timewave 2013. Jay has been featured in the History Channel's documentaries, The Lost Book of Nostradamus, and Nostradamus 2012, for which he was associate producer. He was also featured in Trutv's, Conspiracy Theory, hosted by Jesse Ventura. For more information: www.jayweidner.com, http://www.sacredmysteries.com/.
Kingdom of Heaven - What is Jerusalem worth?
天國- 耶路撒冷的價值是什麼?
Kingdom of Heaven
內賈德稱以色列是“癌細胞” 必須盡快切除
海法的巴哈伊花園 (大同教總部) 與以色列的再亡國預測
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