Man-Eating Elephants in India?
In a Fight for Space, Tigers and Elephants Have Been Attacking Humans at Alarming Rates
Feb. 16, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

人類不是大象和老虎的自然獵物,但在印度西孟加拉邦Sundarban群島,一令人震驚人們已被攻擊的數字 - 甚至被吃 - 由於這些野生動物。
In one part of the country, there have been reports of elephants going on a rampage, trampling homes and killing around 200 people in the past year. In one bizarre case, this typically plant-eating animal reportedly ate a human.
在國家的一部分,已有報導稱大象持續橫行、踐踏家園和在過去一年殺死 200人左右。在一奇怪的案件,這典型地植物為食的動物據稱吃了一個人。
In another part of the country, tigers, who have developed an appetite for human flesh, reportedly killed 14 people in one village alone last year.
"Tigers generally aren't man eaters," said Dave Salmoni. "It's anomaly when an animal decides to start eating people."
“老虎一般不是吃人的,”戴夫 Salmoni說, “它是異常當一隻動物決定開始吃人。”
Watch the full story on "Nightline" tonight at 11:35 p.m. ET
Salmoni is a zoologist and an animal trainer who specializes in predators. The host of several Animal Planet shows, Salmoni will also appear on the upcoming Animal Planet special, "World's Deadliest Towns," on Feb. 21.
A tiger that can weigh up to 650 pounds and grow up to 11 feet long is clearly at the top of the food chain, and Salmoni explained that these fierce animals have overtaken the land in the Sundarban islands.
"It's the only place in the world I've ever been in the bush...I feel like I'm being hunted," he said.
The World Wildlife Fund estimated that only about 3,200 tigers are left in the world. At the same time, the number of tiger attacks in this part of India is up 30 percent over the past decade, according to Salmoni.
Some experts believe environmental issues and a rapidly growing human population in the region are reducing their habitat and their natural food supply, and forcing them into villages.
The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change announced in 2007 that rising sea levels could submerge 17 percent of Bangladesh by 2050, which would completely flood the mangrove forests that are the natural habitat for the Bengal species.
Thousands more humans are also going into the Sundarban forests to hunt and clear more land for farming, which further encroaches on the tigers' and elephants' territories according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
美國墨西哥灣發現20隻死海豚 或因漏油事件