

水鬼? 德州一個湖上記錄得的發光外星靈體

水鬼? 德州一個湖上記錄得的發光外星靈體
Glowing Alien Spirit Recorded Over A Lake In Texas
April 28, 2019
There are many cases of unexplained energies that manifest themselves in different situations. According to researchers, this can be the result of a temporary breach between our world and other dimension.

Another theory is that these appearances are constantly in our world but are invisible to our field of view and are only seen by chance in certain pictures.

This is what happened last year at the Marble Falls in Texas. While trespassing a private property to take some pictures, a group of people stumbled upon a strange green shape that was standing above the surface of the water.
It appears in only one picture, but the creature can be clearly observed.

After a year of study, nobody could offer a plausible explanation to the picture. What is clear is that the creature from the image is similar to a spirit or a kind of alien who very probably live inside the lake.

If we look closely we can see that it has a pair if legs and a pair if hands, that is, the creature is a humanoid. The little green creature casts a shadows, which means that the authenticity of this picture cannot be put into question.

Even though there were taken many pictures of the same place, the green entity only appears in one of them. According to a theory, this entity could be the spirit of the place. Another hypothesis claims that under the lake there is a secret base.

In any case, take a look at the image for yourself and tell what you think.


