03.02.2011 16:40
埃及爆發親政府及反政府示威者大規模流血衝突後,反政府示威者繼續佔據首都開羅市中心的解放廣場,揚言繼續抗爭;埃及最大反對派穆斯林兄弟會,號召推翻總統穆巴拉克政權,籌組包括各派系的全國團結政府;昨日的流血衝突,官方表示,有五人喪生,八百三十多人受傷,但阿拉伯電視台則引述消息說,超過十人死亡,一千五百人受傷。 數以千計的親政府和反政府示威者,昨日在解放廣場爆發激烈衝突,仿如戰場,其間傳出槍聲,反對派指,便衣警員喬裝親政府份子,襲擊反政府示威者,企圖以暴力手段,迫走他們,但內政部否認指控。
Israeli Death Squads to Infiltrate Egyptian Protests
February 1st, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

The israeli hebrew newspaper “Maariv” revealed yesterday that high-level officials in the office of Benjamin Netanyahu carried out in recent days a series of phone calls with Suleiman and advised him about the urgent necessity of “security” coordination on several issues between Israel and Egypt. The newspaper added that the prevention of smuggling weapons through the tunnels on Egypt’s border to the Gaza Strip was only one issue among others which the officials discussed.
The Quds Press agency, quoting Israeli sources, said that the jewish zionist state had offered General Omar Suleiman, now appointed “vice-President of the Republic of Egypt” by dictator Mubarak, to put “all potential resources” at his disposal to “protect the regime in Egypt”, including the implementation of the “specific operations to pre-empt the popular revolution”, and asked him to work together to prevent what they called “smuggling weapon to the Gaza Strip”.
Quds Press added that an official in the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed that they had called Suleiman on Sunday 30 January 2011 and expressed their concern about the situation in Egypt, offering him the resources of the Israeli intelligence to implement special operations to end the protests.
The Israeli source added that Netanyahu and Suleiman had discussed possible ways to secure the “border” of Egypt with the israeli jewish entity. The Israeli Prime Minister offered Suleiman to put the possibilities of the zionist entity at his disposal if he felt that his regime was in danger.
On the other hand, US government representatives called Egyptian officials several times to discus the issue of Israels security concerns at the common border of the Sinai peninsula. After those calls, Egypt redeployed thousands of soldiers to the Sinai Peninsula to protect the so-called Israeli “security” with the consent of Israel, to bolster security in the face of protests demanding the fall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, which has spread throughout Egypt.
According to the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel signed in 1979, the Sinai is a demilitarized area. But the jewish “state” demands that Egypt deploy its forces in the region whenever they need them to protect zionist entity. In 2005, when Israel withdrew its forces from Gaza, Egypt deployed its forces in the Sinai for the first time after the signing of the so-called “peace treaty” in order to protect the border between Gaza and Egypt.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, accompanied by more than half of her government, arrived today 1 February 2011 in Israel to discuss the issue of Israeli security and the wishes of israel for any new government which may declared in Egypt in light of the Egyptian revolution against the current regime, they declared that “the world must force” Egypt to continue abiding by the decrepit “peace treaty” signed in 1979. US ex-ambassador to Egypt, Frank Wisner, returned to Cairo to meet senior Egyptian officials and to discuss the Israeli security issue and its demands, and the possibility of a transfer of power in Egypt to a pro-US and pro-Israel regime in the wake of crisis gripping Egypt since a week.
Today, over 8 million million protesters demonstrated in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, and other cities against President Mubarak and his regime. The demonstrators called on Mubarak to give up power, to “go away”, to “go to hell”, and to leave the nation to allow for the start of a new era of democracy in the Middle East. They chanted “the nation wants to execute the president” and they hanged a doll a doll as a symbol of Mubarak at Tahrir’s Square. At the same time several, hundreds of thousands demonstrated in Alexandria, Suez, Mansoura, Damnhour, Arish, Tanta and El-Mahalla el-Kubra against Mubarak. The demands of all protesters were the same, and that Mubarak should give up power and leave.

Also, several thousands of Egyptians, Arabs and other foreigners demonstrated in countries around the world in support to the demands of the Egyptian people
Two Million Protesters Converge in Cairo
50年戰爭 -以色列和阿拉伯人